- cubic centimeters per minute 立方厘米/分
- A volumetric weight charge applies if volume( length* width* height) is greater than6,000 cubic centimeters per kilo. ( 如货物体积超过实际重量,将按体积重量计算,如体积重量小于实际重量,将按实际重量计算,总之取两者较大者计算.
- A volumetric weight charge applies if volume(length*width*height)is greater than 6,000 cubic centimeters per kilo. 如货物体积超过实际重量,将按体积重量计算,如体积重量小于实际重量,将按实际重量计算,总之取两者较大者计算.
- Cubic Centimeters per Hour 立方厘米/小时
- We ended up with units of cubic centimeters. 最后得出的单位是立方厘米。
- They spin at 400-500 revolutions per minute. 它们每分钟旋转四百到五百周。
- A US gallon is equal to 3,785 cubic centimeters. 1美加仑等于3,785立方厘米。
- We ended up with units of cubic centimeters . 最后得出的单位是立方厘米。
- Measurement of air volume, in cubic feet or meters per minute. 空气体积的测量,单位为每分钟立方英尺或立方米。
- The results are given in CFM - cubic feet per minute. 结果用CFM(每分钟多少立方英尺)表示。
- Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter. 人脑每立方公分有一亿多个细胞。
- Calls to the helpline cost 38p per minute. 打热线服务电话每分钟为38便士。
- I was adjusting the pump strokes per minute. 我正在调整泵的每分钟冲数。
- How many words can you type per minute? 你每分钟可打多少字?
- A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 gills or 568.26 cubic centimeters. 英国法定容积单位(液态或固态)等于吉耳或(待查表)立方厘米。
- How many words do you type per minute? 你每分钟打多少个字?
- This means that there were three grams, or 3 cubic centimeters, of water in the stone. 这说明此岩石中有三克(或3立方厘米)的水。
- Did you know I can type almost 60 words per minute? 你知道吗,我能每分钟打60个字。
- A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 60 minims or 3.5516 cubic centimeters. 英国法定容积单位(液态或固态)等于咪或立方厘米。
- The car runs at a speed of 1 km per minute. 小轿车以每分钟1千米的速度行使。