- I was responsible for the crushing defeat. 我对这次惨败负有责任。
- The enemy suffered a crushing defeat. 敌人遭到了惨败。
- Inflict a crushing defeat on sb. 使某人一败涂地。
- He is out of blood due to his crushing defeat in last competition. 上次竞争中他一败涂地使他变得意志消沉。
- Ut of blood due to his crushing defeat in last competition. 上次竞争中他一败涂地。
- A final, crushing defeat. 惨败最终的,损失惨重的失败
- On June 18, in one of history's most decisive battles at Waterloo, Napoleon suffered a crushing defeat. 6月18日,在滑铁卢一次历史上最有决定意义的战役中,拿破仑遭到了彻底的失败。
- Napoleon i signed his act of abdication here when he had suffered crushing defeat[5] in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. 1815年拿破仑一世滑铁卢战役大败之后曾在此签降书逊位。
- Abijah and his army inflicted a crushing defeat on them: five hundred thousand of Israel's chosen men were killed. 阿彼雅和他的军队对以色列大加杀戮,以色列被杀,丧亡的精兵有五十万。
- Delio Rossi assures Lazio's ambitions have not been changed after this crushing defeat at San Siro. 在对米兰的惨败之后,罗西确信拉齐奥的雄心并没有改变。
- Some of the storms of life come suddenly: a great sorrow, a bitter disappointment, a crushing defeat. 在信徒的生活中,有许多风雨都是突然之间起的:忧患,失望,失败,病痛等等。
- A crushing defeat, with reparations the likes of which man's imagination cannot encompass. 一次溃败,有着人们无法想象的战争赔款。
- Such a crushing defeat and disastrous loss of popular support must be a staggering blow to the KMT,a party with a history of a century. 输得如此之惨,失民心如此之钜,对百年老店的国民党来说,真是情何以堪?
- Such a crushing defeat and disastrous loss of popular support must be a staggering blow to the KMT, a party with a history of a century! 输得如此之惨,失民心如此之钜,对百年老店的国民党来说,真是情何以堪!
- Kalashnikov’s career as a weapons designer began in 1941, after he was wounded during the Red Army’s crushing defeat at the Battle of Bryansk. 卡拉什尼科夫的武器设计生涯始于1941年,此前他在布良斯克战役中负伤,红军也遭遇决定性失败。
- Nepoleon from think great talent, offend a gram all, but thoughted of to be beat in Waterloo one service suffer a crushing defeat. 拿破仑自以为有雄才大略,攻无不克,却没有想到在滑铁卢一役中被打得一败涂地。
- He has先后当过naval officer, King of Westphalia, and Russia’s campaign in the levy of any commander-off, but they suffered a crushing defeat made. 他曾先后当过海军军官、威斯特伐里亚国王,并在征俄战役中任过军长,但都弄得一败涂地。
- It was a crushing defeat for America, a nation not accustomed to defeats. 对美国这个不习惯吃败仗的国家来说,这是一次惨重的失败。
- Despite being a technological marvel, and the most sophisticated and complex set of fortifications built up to that time, it failed to save France from crushing defeat in 1940. 尽管它曾是那个年代的技术奇迹,同时也是那个年代最为精密和复杂的防御体系,可它并没有将法国从1940年的决定性的失败中挽回。
- The results are a crushing defeat for Hasina's long-time foe, former prime minister Khaleda Zia, who allied with several other parties, including an Islamic fundamentalist group. 这个结果使得哈西娜的长期政敌、前总理卡莉达.;齐亚遭受惨败,齐亚跟另外几个党派结盟,其中包括一个伊斯兰原教旨主义组织。