- They planned to crush down all opposition. 他们策划镇压一切反动力量。
- The army put down all opposition. 军队平定了所有的反抗活动。
- crush down all opposition 镇压一切反对力量
- The military government is determined to put down all opposition. 军政府决心镇压一切反对力量。
- His determined efforts at last bore down all opposition. 他的毅力终於击垮了所有的反对力量。
- He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas. 他恣意压制所有与他相左的意见。
- The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition. 这个军人集团决心镇压政治上的一切反对派。
- They broke down all opposition. 他们镇压了一切反对行动。
- Joan successfully turned aside all opposition. 琼成功地避开了所有的反对意见。
- All opposition to the plan has caved in. 这个计划的反对派全部屈服了。
- The dictator represses all opposition as illegal. 这个独裁者把所有反对他的活动均视为非法加以镇压。
- All opposition to the scheme has collapsed. 对这一计划的反对意见都已驳倒。
- It/The rain bucketed down all afternoon. 瓢泼大雨下了一下午。
- The teacher told the pupils not to crush down the crops. 老师叫学生不要踩倒庄稼。
- I have jotted down all the new words I have learned in a notebook. 我把我学的新词全都记在一个笔记本上了。
- The growing grass was crushed down by hailstones. 正在生长的草被冰雹压下去了。
- He is able to bear down all difficulties in his studies. 他能够克服学习中所出现的一切困难。
- The mayor promised to crush down any criminal activity in the city. 市长许诺要镇压市内的一切犯罪活动。
- You must not blot out all opposition. 你不能把反对意见都一笔抹去。
- The board turn down all approach on the subject of merger. 董事长拒绝了有关合并事宜的任何协商。