- Crude fibre was reduced after modifications,except that BNS... 乙酰化、氧化和热处理作用提高了天然淀粉的膨胀力。
- Influence of eco environment on crude fibre resolvability of ruminal microbial flora in vitro culture. 主要生态环境变化对离体瘤胃菌丛降解粗纤维能力的影响
- "Tecator Method" of tea crude fibre quantative analysis was compar-ed with the authorised method. 比较了茶叶租纤维定量分析的常规实验塞法和“托卡”纤维仪法。
- The har vesting stage of corn has significant effect on PH,dry matter content,crude protein,crude fat,NFE,crude fibre,IVTD etc. 收获时期对青贮玉米的pH值、干物质含量和粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维含量等营养指标有明显的影响。
- Because contain rich crude fibre element among them, accordingly, hollow dish is on stimulative bowel peristalsis, aperient detoxify, have distinct effect. 由于其中含有丰富的粗纤维素,因此,空心菜在促进肠蠕动、通便解毒上,具有独特的作用。
- The crude fibre element of rice bran layer conduces to gastric bowel peristalsis, effective to the enteron disease such as stomach trouble, constipation, haemorrhoid. 米糠层的粗纤维分子有助于胃肠蠕动,对胃病、便秘、痔疮等消化道疾病有效。
- Using leymus chinensis fibre as fibre source, the number and height of caecum plica may beincreased by increasing the crude fibre content of diet from 50% to 60%. 以羊草为纤维源的雏鹅日粮粗纤维含量由5%25提高到6%25可以使盲肠皱襞高度、盲肠单位长度内皱襞个数增加。
- Sargassum is the best use of the precious marine resources,contents of protein,fat,starch of brown alga,crude fibre,minerals,vitamins and essential amino acids in sargassum. 马尾藻提取液具有抗肿瘤、抗凝血、降血压,提高机免疫功能等生理活性。
- And it was also confirmed in our experiments that the contents of protein, fat, total sugar and crude fibre in T. giganteum and P.eryngii cultivated with cotton seed hull were 35.28%, 2.91%, 53.74%, 8.76% and 15.4%, 0.55%, 52.1%, 5.4% resp. . 大白口蘑和杏鲍菇的蛋白质、脂肪、总糖和粗纤维含量分别为35.;28%25、2
- The correlation was not significant between FN and the crude fibre intake, and the influnce of FMN on the measurement of nitrogen digestibility of feeds was discussed quantitatively. 并发现FN与粗纤维食入量之间没有显著的相关(P>0.;05)。 在此基础上;对FMN对饲料氮消化率测定的影响作了定量讨论。
- The energy and nutritional components of 44 kinds of forages,such as crude pro-tein,crude fat,crude fibre, nitrogen-free extract, calcium and phosphorus ete. ,were analysed in the experiment. 本项研究,对宁夏家免常用的44种饲草料的能量、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、粗纤维、无氮浸出物,Ca、P等营养成分进行了分析,并通过消化试验测其各种营养成分的消化率,如消化能(DE)、可消化粗蛋白质等。
- The estimated narrow heritability of dry matter, vitamine C, soluble protein, organic acid, soluble sugar and crude fibre contents was 61.4%, 43.6%, 41.9%, 37.4%, 32.2% and 12.2%, respectively. 干物质、VC、可溶性蛋白、有机酸、可溶性糖、粗纤维的狭义遗传力分别为:61.;4%25、 43
- The study shows that the technology is highly effective in detoxification, the remaining toxicity minimized to ITC-0. 22mg/g and the crude fibre decreases by 50%, which makes amino acids more ballanced and nutrient value much better. 结果表明:该工艺脱毒效果好;残留毒物量低(ITC:0.;22mg/g);且去皮后粗纤维降低50%25;氨基酸更平衡;营养价值更好。
- Ge Lihui suggests, the person that need reduces weight can come 20 minutes 40 minutes to eat a few fruits before eat, because the crude fibre inside the fruit can make gastric ministry generation full bilge,feel, make the person decreases take food. 葛力辉建议,需要减肥的人可以在餐前20分钟至40分钟吃一些水果,因为水果内的粗纤维可以让胃部产生饱胀感,使人减少进食。
- In addition, spinach contains many plant crude fibre, have the effect that stimulative bowel path wriggles, benefit at defecate, and can promote pancreas to secrete, help aid digestion. 此外,菠菜含有大量的植物粗纤维,具有促进肠道蠕动的作用,利于排便,且能促进胰腺分泌,帮助消化。
- Tea -- Determination of crude fibre content 茶叶。粗纤维含量的测定
- Nutritional Functions of Crude Fibre in Dairy Cows 粗纤维对奶牛的营养作用
- The plant converts crude oil into gasoline. 这家工厂将原油加工成汽油。
- China is a country rich in crude oil. 中国是一个原油丰富的国家。