- UNIAP China is currently recruiting a Consultant for the Cross Border LE Cooperation Assessment Exercise Consultant. UNIAP中国项目办公室正在招聘专家,负责跨国执法合作调研评估,详见附件。
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.38. 参见莫里斯主编;李双元等译:;中国大百科全书出版社;1998年1月第1版;第1485页.
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions ,Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.33. 参见张仲伯主编:;中国政法大学出版社;1999年修订版;第293页.
- Indian officials say they will raise the issue of alleged infiltration and "cross border terrorism" with Pakistan. 印度官员表示,他们将向巴方提出巴方人员渗透以及越境恐怖行动等问题。
- Representatives of eBay China will contact you soon to help you proceed your cross border trading. 然后,我按照步骤操作,出现提示,我已经通过跨国交易认证。
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.33. 参见吴志攀主编:;法律出版社;1999年1月第1版;第354页.
- In previous years, cross border mergers and acquisitions were a major source of growth of F.D.I. 前几年,跨国并购和收购公司是外国直接投资增长的主要来源。
- They also reassured the people of Hong Kong that Guangdong will continue to provide Hong Kong with the daily necessities such as water and food supplies.We also discussed issues such as the economy and border management. 当然我们谈的问题很多,经济方面的问题、水、食物、边界管理方面的问题都有相当多的讨论。
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.30. 参见韩德培、李双元主编:;武汉大学出版社;1991年7月第1版.;本文如无特别说明;以下所引法规均出自该书
- In previous years, emergers cross border mergers and acquisitions were a major sourcesof source of growth of F.D.I. 这份报告还指出在过去几年里,跨国兼并和收购是外国直接投资的增长的主要来源。
- China exercises a joint military-civilian land and sea border management system,headed by the military and with a sharing of responsibilities between the military and the local authorities. 中国实行以军队为主,军地分工负责,军民联防的边海防管理体制。
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.39. 参见刘仁山著:;法律出版社;2001年12月第1版;第382页.
- First you have to consider crossing border regulations. 你得考虑跨国界的规定。
- China exercises a joint military-civilian land and sea border management system, headed by the military and with a sharing of responsibilities between the military and the local authorities. 中国实行以军队为主,军地分工负责,军民联防的边海防管理体制。
- ISDA Master Agreement The document governing most cross border and domestic privately negotiated OTC derivative trading relationships. 指管辖绝大部分跨境的或国内的私下谈判之场外衍生产品交易关系的文件。
- They will also help to reduce the settlement risk by facilitating DvP settlement for cross border trades in debt securities. 透过为跨境债券交易提供货银两讫结算服务,双边联系也将有助减少这类交易的结算风险。
- He added that there are very few liquid and deep domestic bond markets in Asia, and cross border flows of funds through the bond market are limited. 他又说亚洲区内缺乏流通性高而又深化的债券市场,透过债券市场进行的跨境资金流动相当有限。
- Cross Border Environmental Management 跨境环境管理
- The UNCTAD survey finds cross border mergers and acquisitions dropped by an even more dramatic 77 percent, compared to the same period last year. 联合国贸发会在调查中还发现,公司跨国并购与去年同期相比更是急剧减少了77%25。
- Although cross border marriage may seem as dreamily beautiful as a fairytale, the tale is often based more on romantic imagination than reality. 尽管跨国婚姻象神话般的美好,但神话往往根植于浪漫的想象。