- Dot one's I's and cross one's t's. 做收尾工作。
- Cross one arm at a time using the Road Crossing Code. 每次只横过路口的一边行车路,并遵守过马路守则。
- The Reserves are part of DBR's desire to produce wine from the finest Bordeaux soils and which can be enjoyed quite often. 精选系列秉承罗斯希尔酒园“在最肥沃的波尔多土壤上酿制最好的葡萄酒”的一贯宗旨,成为人们可以日常饮用的佳品。
- Crossing one another or marked by crossings. 十字形的,交叉的互相交叉的或以十字形为特征的
- Rimm-Kaufman said, ignores a user’s desire to reach a specific destination and it costs those Web sites visitors. 他认为这种进攻性置用户进入特定网站的愿望于不顾,并减少了那些网站的访问者。
- Wilde said he felt sorry for those who never got their heart’s desire, but sorrier still for those who did. 王尔德曾言:梦不圆者我同情之,圆梦者我愈加同情之。
- Luby’s desire is getting bigger, I’m afraid that Ican not control her suddenly . 怪兽:(说唱)卢比的欲望越来越大,我忽然害怕控制不了她。
- In the last letter he simply wrote out a plus and a minus sign, and I was supposed to cross one out. 最近一封信,他索性把加减号都写好,我只要划掉一个就行。
- BofA's desire to repay its troubled assets relief programme funds as early as November will surprise the market. 美国银行希望最早在今年11月偿还问题资产救助计划(Tarp)资金,会令市场感到吃惊。
- Do not cross one traffic lane at a time and do not wait in the middle of the road other than on an island. 不要每次只横过一条行车。除非路中央有安全岛,否则不可在路中央停候。
- Twice at Montreux Jazz Festival was just not enough to satisfy Oshio\\\\\\\'s desire as a live performer. 第二次在蒙特勒爵士音乐(的出现)还不足以达成押尾桑成为一名舞台演出家的愿望。
- To cross one's fingers is a hand gesture used to superstitiously wish for good luck or to nullify a promise. 交叉手指是一个迷信的手势,用来祈祷好运或者使一个做出的誓言无效化。
- For the wicked boasteth of his heart#s desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth. 3因为恶人以心愿自夸。贪财的背弃***,并且轻慢他。
- Horsetail assists initiates in learning to consciously dream weave or intend their heart\'s desire. 木贼协助提升者学会有意识地编织梦想或有意识地意愿内心的期望。
- These apartments are located opposite the sister property, the Aparthotel Maracaibo (you only have to cross one street) are part of the same complex. 取消政策:请注意,如果取消预订或在入住日当天没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订总价的房费的20%25。儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。
- It is also dependent on NASA's desire for a daylight takeoff so it can observe how much debris flies off the shuttle's external fuel tank. 同样也是因为nasa要求在白天发射,以便观察有多少碎片从飞船的附加油箱上脱落。
- The lake was pretty, and I crossed one very large bridge. 该湖是漂亮,我越过一个非常大的桥梁。
- Additionally, other companies have sought alliances with PSA with little success, partly due to PSA's desire to remain independent. 此外,其他公司寻求联盟港务集团但收效甚微,部分原因是港务集团的愿望仍然是独立的.
- In 1494,a visitor to Venice observed,"I was taken through the principal street,which they call the Grand Cannal,and it is so wide that ships frequently cross one another. 正如1494年,一个前往威尼斯的游客所见的那样“我被带领穿过了他们称之为大运河的主要街道,街道很宽阔,传很自由的在街道里穿梭。
- This thesis aims to illustrate the bourgeois fantasies about and disdain for the aristocracy and the class s desire for and repression of sexuality. 这篇论文的主要目的在探讨中产阶级对贵族阶级的向往与鄙夷,与中产阶级对性的渴望与压抑。