- Another critical success factor about which I would like to talk is our free market economy. 另一个我想谈的重要成功因素,就是我们的自由市场经济。
- Analyzed the strategic vision of staff in one hospital,including the satisfaction for current development, the SWOT analysis,the critical success factor analysis,and so on. 分析了A医院的职工对医院的战略发展意愿,包括对医院目前发展的满意度分析、对医院的外部挑战和机会、内部竞争优弱势分析、成功关键因素分析等。
- All the above critical success factors for Hong Kong have been enshrined in the Basic Law. 香港成功的各种关键因素,在《基本法》中一一得到保障。
- It is very important and valuable to study the ERP implementation and its critical success factors. 对 ERP 实施及其关键成功因素进行实证研究,具有重要的现实意义和应用价值。
- Financial or non-financial metrics used to reflect the critical success factors of an organization. 用来反映某个组织关键成功要素的财务度量或非财务度量。
- Critical Success Factor Measurement Model 关键成功因子评价模型
- Studies on Critical Success Factors for Electr. Electronic commerce, electronic commerce m. Every traditional company faces the following. 显示目录中国企业电子商务系统关键成功因素研究清华大学管理学博士清华大学经济管理学院。
- What are the critical success factors? Can vendors afford to wait it out? What is the impact of different standards in China? 什麽是成功的关键因素?业者能够撑下去等待标准出现吗?在中国有不同的标准会造成什麽影响?
- Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. 许多指标都是可衡量的,但这并不意味着它们能确保组织获得成功。
- Secondly,the trend of polymer PTC thermistor was analysed and the critical success factors of this industry were investigated. 然后分析了此行业的关键成功因素;
- Chapter 9 highlights the challenges, Critical Success Factors and risks faced during Service Operation, while the Afterword summarizes and concludes the publication. 第九章强调了服务运营过程中需要面对的挑战、关键的成功因素和挑战等,并且总结本出版物的内容。
- To ensure the likelihood of success on government reorganization, the support from affected government employees' accounts for one of the most critical success factors. 影响政府组织再造成败的因素可能千头万绪,但其中最关键的因素,无疑的是员工之支持与配合。
- Ability to integrate is the critical success factor for zero latency enterprise 有能力整合是能否成为零滞后企业的最重要成功因素
- critical success factor (CSF) 关键成功因素(CSF)
- Critical Success Factor Model 关键成功因子模型
- critical success factor 关键成功因素
- Critical Success Factors to embrace and Pitfalls to avoid in implementing your Balanced Scorecard 评判关键成功因素以避免实施平衡计分卡时易犯的错误
- An Analysis of Critical Success Factors in Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划实施的关键成功因素分析
- Little people criticize successful people! 小人物批评成功的人!
- This brings up the last success factor that most home-based businesses neglect to tell you. 说起过去的成功因素,大部分家庭为基础的生意疏于告诉你。