- A Critical Strain Model for Predicting Creep Damage Life of Ceramics 基于连续损伤力学理论的陶瓷材料蠕变寿命预测模型
- Keywords CSP;SPHD;critical strain model;flow stress deformation model; 临界应变模型;流动应力-应变模型;
- Critical strain model of post-rolling recrystallization of CSP hot rolling strip CSP热连轧再结晶临界应变模型研究
- critical strain model 临界应变模型
- So it can be used for a structure of the strain model and the coefficients in the strain model can be fixed by making use of the measured data. 因此可以用它构成应力集中处应变模型的骨架,而模型中的系数则可根据实测数据用最小二乘法等方法确定。
- The first type is that the plane of ASB is very close to the habit plane of the second type deformation band (DBII) in fatigued copper single crystals, which needs the minimum critical strain to form. 根据空间位向ASB可以分为三类,第一类非常接近铜晶体疲劳时形成的第二类形变带(DBII)平面, 其临界应变最小。
- The critical strain of the well layer for some typical QW and the biggest allowable strain of the strained bulk materials are calculated. 计算了一些典型量子阱结构的阱层临界应变和应变体材料的最大允许应变。
- The purpose of this study was to use Prochaska's stages of change model and Karasek's job strain model to determine relationships between perceived job strain variables and exercise stage of change. 在第一阶段代表中的是新到或是新鲜的产品而在第二阶段里代表是产品机能老化但仍具有销售价值的商品,而这类情形便形成了两阶段报童模式问题。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Blocks movement and strain model 块体运动与应变模型
- strain model parameterassessment 应变模态参数识别
- Model of Dynamic Recrystallization Critical Strain in Ferrite Deformation of Ti-IF Steel Ti-IF钢铁素体变形动态再结晶临界应变模型
- She is a very discerning art critic. 她是位眼光敏锐的艺术评论家。
- I think the chastisement to him is too critical. 我认为对他的惩罚太严厉了。
- He finally break down under the four-hour's strain. 在四小时的压力下他终于支持不了。
- The inquiry was critical of her work. 该项调查对她的工作提出了批评。
- Rotation in the Entire block and Homogeneous Strain Model 刚体旋转加均匀应变
- The reform is at its critical stage now. 改革正处于关键阶段。
- Paying all the bills is a strain on my resources. 支付所有这些费用是我经济上的一大负担。
- Her performance won her much critical acclaim. 她的表演大获评论界赞颂。