- Critical rationalism plays an important role in the evolvement from logical empiricism to histori-cism. 在西方科学哲学从逻辑经验主义向历史主义演变的过程中,批判理性主义起了纽带的作用。
- Popper's historical philosophy is not attached to but deeply rooted in the scientific philosophy of critical rationalism and the objective knowledge science. 波普尔的历史哲学并非仅仅附属于其科学哲学,它与批判理性主义的科学哲学和客观知识学说有着盘根错节的联系,并且从中独立出来,充分显示了其自主性。
- Popper,Kuhn and Lakatos are the typical philosophers of critical rationalism and historicism in the development of current western philosophy of science. 波普、库恩、拉卡托斯是当代西方科学哲学发展进程中批判理性主义和历史主义的代表人物。
- The first crisis caused phenomenology and hermeneutics permeated through psychiatry, and the second crisis caused logical positivism and critical rationalism permeated through psychiatry. 第一次危机导致现象学、解释学渗透精神病学,第二次危机则导致逻辑实证主义、批判理性主义渗透精神病学。
- The methodological basis of his political philosophy are anti -induction,falsifiability principle,dynamic mould of knowledge increase and critical rationalism in Popper" s scientific philosophy . 波普尔科学哲学中的反归纳法、证伪原则、知识增长的动态模式和批判的理性论是其政治哲学的方法论基础。
- So the author tries to find the fundamental position of Popper's Critical Rationalism, and then define rationality as a critical attitude. 因此作者试图寻找波普“批判理性主义”中更为根本的精神,最终将合理性分析为批判的态度。
- The tradition of critical rational inquiry is itself a basic assumption of a liberal pluralist society. 多元化民主社会之基本条件是拥有批判理性的传统。
- The author tries to find the fundamental position of Popper's Critical Rationalism,' and then analyze rationality as criticism. 作者试图寻找波普“批判理性主义”中更为根本的精神,最终将合理性分析为批判性。
- Following English empiricist Francis Bacon, Popper as a critical rationalist who first studied the problem and made it profound. 批判理性主义者波普尔是继近代英国经验论者F.;培根之后第一个时此问题作深入探讨的现代哲学家。
- Following the English empiricist Francis Bacon, Popper as a critical rationalist who first studied the problem and made it profound. 批判理性主义者波普尔是继近代英国经验论者F.培根之后第一个对此问题作深入探讨的现代哲学家。
- We could conclude from the former three aspects that Popper"s realism is irrational, though he called himself a critical rationalist. 从这三个方面来看,他的实在论是一种非理性主义的实在论。
- The author tries to find the fundamental position of Popper's Critical Rationalism,' and then analyze rationality as criticism . 作者试图寻找波普“批判理性主义”中更为根本的精神,最终将合理性分析为批判性。
- She is a very discerning art critic. 她是位眼光敏锐的艺术评论家。
- We'll have to ration out the water. 我们得将水按定额配给。
- I think the chastisement to him is too critical. 我认为对他的惩罚太严厉了。
- They had to ration petrol during the war. 战时他们不得不限量供给汽油。
- The inquiry was critical of her work. 该项调查对她的工作提出了批评。
- From the view of Albert,the truth means the things that can be criticized rationally and can be verified by facts. 在阿尔伯特看来,真理是那些能经受得起理性批判并能被事实证明了的东西。
- The reform is at its critical stage now. 改革正处于关键阶段。
- Her performance won her much critical acclaim. 她的表演大获评论界赞颂。