- Patricia De Lille: For the first time now, he [Mbeki] has acknowledged that crime is a problem, especially violent crime against women and children. 帕特里夏·德里尔:“到目前为止,他(姆贝基)有史以来第一次承认犯罪是一个难题,尤其是对妇女和儿童的暴力犯罪。
- "The United States should not help UNFPA cover up China's crimes against women and children," Smith told the Times. “美国不该让人口基金会帮助中国在对抗妇女和儿童上犯罪。”史密斯对时报说。
- Recently, when the Karnataka High Court repealed a ban on female bartenders, the police cautioned that crimes against women would increase. 卡纳塔克高等法院最近撤销了一项禁止女性从事调酒师工作的规定,随后当地警方就警告,这可能引起针对女性犯罪案件的增加。
- Lesbianism was considered a crime against nature. 同性爱被看作是一种违反自然的罪过。
- Discrimination against women is not allowed. 歧视妇女是不能允许的。
- Murder is a crime against nature. 谋杀是一种有违天性的罪行。
- The massacre was a crime against humanity. 这场大屠杀是一桩反人类的罪行。
- He committed a crime against humanity. 他对人类犯下滔天罪行。
- Society still discriminates against women nowadays. 当今社会仍然歧视女性。
- Killing animals is a crime against nature. 杀生是违背自然的罪过。
- A fat Parisienne is clearly a crime against nature. 在法国人看来,一个肥胖的巴黎女郎简直就是罪犯。
- This company doesn't discriminate against women. 这家公司不歧视女性。
- He was hanged for his crime against humanity. 他因犯反人类罪而被绞死。
- Some employers seem to have a grudge against women. 有些雇主似乎对女性有偏见。
- crime against women 对妇女的犯罪
- Assault falls under the category of crime against the person. 强奸归入侵犯人身罪一类。
- No law in China contains clauses that discriminate against women. 任何一部中国法律都不存在对妇女的歧视性条款。
- Wasting time is a crime against the cause of revelution. 浪费时间就是对革命事业的一种罪过。
- Some institutions still have a strong bias against women. 有些机构仍然对妇女持有很大偏见。
- Many businesses are accused of discriminating against women. 很多职业被指控对妇女别待遇。