- credit spread decomposition 信用价差分解
- Capitalising of mismatching profit since assets and liabilities are not value consistently. Capitalisation of credit spread is an example. 对于资产和负债不匹配而产生的利润,进行资本化。对信用风险的风险溢价进行资本化就是一个例子。
- The picture is grim for the global banking industry as fee income takes a nosedive with tight credit spread due to cut-throat competition . 全球银行业的情形是可怕的,因为费务收入突然变坏与收紧信贷的范围由于激烈的竞争。
- The picture is grim for the global banking industry as fee income takes a nosedive with tight credit spread due to cut-throat competition. 全球银行业景象是可怕的,因为服务费收入暴跌与收紧的信贷差异由于激烈的竞争。
- Applying structural approach to modeling default risk, the pricing of default risk zero-coupon bond and a credit spread term structure under incomplete information is developed. 运用违约风险评估的结构化建模方法,在信息不完全的情形下推导了风险零息票债券的定价公式,并得到了此时信用利差的期限结构。
- Credit spreads have widened and shares are pitching from gloom to elation as investors look to the Federal Reserve for solace. 在投资者们看到美联储的救市政策后,信贷投放全面铺开,股票价格不再低迷,转而高涨。
- The results indicate that the mean-reversion behavior of credit spreads of Chinese corporate bonds is significant. 研究发现,国内企业债券具有明显的均值回复特性。
- Credit spreads for high yield corporate bonds and emerging market bonds are at new highs of this cycle. 高收益公司债券和新兴市场债券的信贷利差创下这波周期的新高。
- Not only have credit spreads widened, most commercial-backed securities are no longer being securitized because demand has vanished. 在信贷利差扩大的同时,由于需求的消失,大部分商业抵押担保证券已经不再采取证券化的形式了。
- That helped send US credit spreads wider, with the investment-grade CDX index touching a fresh record, before the mood steadied. 投资者信心尚未平稳,美国债券息差进一步扩大,投资级别CDX指数触及新高。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
- He spread the map flat out on the floor. 他把地图平铺在地上。
- We expect the market to enter a period of consolidation, as investors finally take note of the widening credit spreads and risk appetite starts to wane. 随着投资者最终注意到利差的扩大以及对风险的欲望开始减弱,我们预期市场将会有一段时间的调整。
- In the past two weeks the share prices and, more scarily, the credit spreads of banks with the lowest-quality tier-one capital have deteriorated sharply. 在过去的两周,股价以及更可怕的是,一级资本质量最差的那些银行的信贷利差已经大幅恶化。
- A hopeless future seemed to spread out before her. 展现在她面前的似乎是毫无希望的前途。
- He has spread a slice of bread with Jam. 他把面包片抹上了果酱。
- A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme. 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新的信用购物方案。
- He spread the news around the town. 他在镇上到处传播这一消息。
- This would quickly bring down credit spreads as effectively banks would have the same credit ratings as their respective governments and the spreads would thus be arbitraged down. 这将迅速降低信贷利差,因为实际上银行将和各自的政府具有相同的信用评级,进而信贷利差也将由于投机获利而消失。
- The news soon spread to the farthest corner. 消息很快传到最远的角落。