- The Problem of Credit Loan Risk in Group Clients 集团性客户的信贷风险问题
- My Humble Idea About the Management System of Credit Loan Risk 浅议商业银行的信贷风险管理机制
- On prevetion from fabricated capital management of enterprise and credit loan risk of bank 论企业虚拟资产管理与银行信贷风险防范
- credit loan risk 信用风险
- "Non-lending market also has to recover the loan risk, essentially by the private sector credit. “民间借贷市场上收回贷款也存在着风险,基本上是靠私人的信用。
- The funds of bank credit loan account for high proportion in road construction, therefore facing larger risk of returning loan. 摘要银行信贷资金在公路建设中占有较高比重,因而面临较大的还贷风险。
- The test analysis the principle of villadom evaluation,and forecast the economy benefit,keep away the loan risk and policy risk,insure the payoff、fluid and security of credit fund. 研究别墅项目评估的原则,预测经济效益,同时切实防范贷款风险及政策风险,确保信贷资金的盈利性、流动性和安全性。
- A borrower should undertake liabilities in accordance with the contract if cannot repay the credit loan on time. 借款人到期不归还信用贷款的,应当按照合同约定承担责任。
- Due to the related policy supports, the credit loan environment in Chinese papermaking enterprises began to unloosen. 由于相关政策扶持,对中国造纸企业贷款限制开始放松。
- Prevention research and case analysis of the mortgage loan risk of personal house. 个人住房按揭贷款风险的预防研究和案例分析。
- China Exim Bank to expand credit loans to Chinese exporters. 中国进出口银行将加大对中国出口商的信贷规模。
- Falling from tight monetary policy, the shell that the loan risk of many industries resembles hiding in underwater is same as refluent show a beach. 在从紧的货币政策下,不少行业的贷款风险像藏在水下的贝壳一样随着退潮露出沙滩。
- Almost each family is burdened with micro credit loan, while they are already overburdened with the hyped up price of rice and still out of the domain of rehabitaliation aid. 在承担着大米不停涨价、缺乏重建援助的同时,几乎每个家庭都有小额贷款债务。
- The New York Times is currently the Group of credit loan of 4 billion U.S. dollars, Maxi Si said that the credit expires this year, the company will not set up a new credit limit. 目前纽约时报集团的贷款信用额度为4亿美元,玛西斯表示,在这笔信用额度今年到期之后,该公司将不会设立新的信用额度。
- It is understood that the mortgage securitization would not only solve the financing problems of the banks themselves, but in a way to defuse the loan risk. 据了解,房贷证券化不仅能解决银行本身的资金融通问题,还能在某种程度上化解贷款风险问题。
- A high-class sanitation ceramic technology reconstruction project using a 100 million US dollar preferential export credit loan from Italy is currently achieving active development in places such as Shanxi, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiling and Hunan, etc. 利用意大利一亿美元优惠出口信贷建设的高档卫生陶瓷技术改造项目正在陕西、山东、广东、吉林和湖南等地取得积极进展。
- This is a great reform to loan risk management system of our banks and in the meantime a big act to protect financial security, and moreover an important link of joint between our banking after entry into WTO and international current rules. 这是我国商业银行信贷风险管理制度上的重大改革,也是维护金融安全的重大举措,是我国加入WTO以后银行业与国际通行规则接轨的重要环节。
- One of the key measures for making aid accessible to individual households is providing small-amount credit loans. 小额信贷是扶贫到户的关键措施之一。
- The reserve system of the loan loss is our country the commercial bank with circumspection conducts of a long effect system, develops an important function in the aspects of dissolving loan risk. 摘要贷款损失准备金制度是我国商业银行审慎经营的一项长效制度,在化解贷款风险方面发挥了重要的作用。
- Getting a Bad Credit Loan is a good way for you to get a Car that you need and also to rebuild your credit rating so that you can at a latter time refinance the loan with a lower interest rate. 比如, 工行的牡丹卡有很悠久的历史。如果你觉得‘时间就是金钱’,你需要的是,能否上门办卡、送卡、缴款是否方便、客服电话服务质量、网上银行的相关服务项目等。