- I now have a $5500 credit line with them. 我现在在那家银行有5500美元的存款。
- Credit line authorized by bank, if you have. 银行授予的信贷额度,如果您有的话。
- And beside the photo was the credit line Robert Kincaid. 照片旁署名罗伯特.;金凯。
- Now that they have merged, credit lines are being amalgamated and cut back. 由于合并,信贷限额也统一了,信贷也就紧缩了。
- Guests should settle all bills when checking out unless credit line is set up. 客人在饭店的消费可在离店时一并结算,如果已办理信贷关系则不受此限。
- The credit line should be opened one month before the time of shipment. 信用额度银行提供给借方一定期限和一定金额限度的信贷安排。
- Providing loans or credit to creditworthy enterprises and increasing the credit lines. 三、对资信良好的企业适当发放信用贷款,增加授信额度。
- That battle will become harder if, as anecdotal evidence suggests, banks are cutting pre-arranged credit lines. 这场战役会变得更加艰难如果,正如事实证据所显示的那样,银行正在切断先前定下的信贷业务。
- That means more cards and extended credit lines to current users and their demographic and psychographic cohorts. 这对信用卡的拥有者和使用者来说意味着拥有更多的信用卡和更高的信用额度。
- According to the agreement, the bank provided 30 billion annually triennial comprehensive credit lines. 根据协议,农行提供三年期每年30亿元的综合授信额度。
- The cost of these credit lines -- the bread and butter of trade finance -- has soared, doubling in many cases. 这些信贷额度(也就是贸易融资的主要来源)的成本已经大幅飙升,很多情况下都翻倍了。
- Special credit lines with unpronounceable acronyms were made available to nondepository institutions. 一连串叫不出名字的特别信贷额度被提供给非储蓄金融机构。
- Unless you indicate,otherwise I will use the complete reference entered above as a credit line. 若无异议,我将引用上述表格并注明出处和作者。
- The agreement also included opening up a credit line to finance small and medium-sized companies in the private sector. 该协议还包括向中小型私人产业开放信用额度提供资金。
- Tighter lending standards could put credit cards out of reach for 45m consumers and reduce credit lines by $931bn, according to Morrison &Foerster. 美富律师事务所估计,放贷标准提高,可能导致4500万消费者无法得到信用卡,令贷款额度减少9310亿美元。
- Instead, we’re talking about frantic phone calls and mouse clicks, as financial players pull credit lines and try to unwind counterparty risk. 相反,我们谈论的是此起彼伏的电话声、疯狂的鼠标点击声,那是金融玩家们在拉紧信贷额度、在破解交易对手风险。
- China's credit lines also are propping up investment in natural resources, keeping global supplies from cratering as investment dries up. 中国还为投资自然资源行业提供了信贷支撑,在全球投资趋于枯竭之际令能源供应不致萎缩。
- Financing for the project will be provided by a credit line from China's Exim Bank (Export-Import Bank). 为项目提供信用额度资金的是中国进出口银行。
- And the lifeline provided by home-equity loans is increasingly constricted, as damaged banks cut back on pre-arranged credit lines. 因为饱受打击的银行削减预先安排好的贷款,由房屋权益贷款保证的生命线日益受到挤压。
- Even big lenders such as Citigroup and HSBC that have expanded international credit lines to some markets recently are hitting obstacles. 甚至像花旗和汇丰这样最近扩大了对一些市场的国际信贷额度的大型放贷机构也遭遇了障碍。