- creative music education 音乐创新教育
- Developing identities in music education. 发展音乐教育的一致性。
- New Zealand Society for Music Education. 音乐教育协会。
- Hoffer, C. R. (1993/1998). Introduction to music education. 李茂兴(译)。音乐教育概论。台北市:扬智。
- The cultivation of creative talents calls for creative education, which in turns needs original teaching forces and fresh music education, entailing the theory and practice study in this field. 教育创新是社会发展的必然与新世纪的抉择,是当今教育研究及深化教育改革与发展中的热点话题之一。
- In creative music, the idea is not to make music that answers to a particular need in the market.It is the ultimate indie or alternative music. 对于创意音乐而言,重点并不在于迎合市场需求,而是完全独立或替代性的音乐形式。
- The object of CMIC is to establish a common practice of creative music in China through the participation of the most interesting creative musicians in the world. 其目标是通过世界各地最富创意的音乐家的联合参与,构建起中国创意音乐的普及化实践。
- Mark, M. L. (1996). Contemporary music education (3rd ed.). NY: Schirmer Books. 姚世泽(民92)。音乐教育学新论。台北市:师大书院。
- One of his long-term goals is the establishment of a common practice of creative music in China, drawing on the talent of the most interesting improvisers from around the world. 长期以来他有一个目标,就是使创意音乐在中国成为一种普遍的实践,并吸引来自世界各地的最优秀的即席音乐演奏人才。
- Mark, M.L.(1996). Contemporary music education (3 rd ed.). NY:Shirmer Books. 姚世泽(2003)。音乐教育学新论。台北:师大书苑。
- Creative Music in China is Peter Scherr's platform for the creation and promotion of unique musical programs in China. 创意音乐在中国(CMIC)是PeterScherr在中国为独一无二的音乐项目打造的创作与推广平台。
- Abstract: With the development of the digital technology such as code, decode and compress, CMF(Creative Music File) has experienced the format of MP1, MP2 and now are edited into MP3. 摘要: 随着数字编解码及压缩技术的发展,语音文件也朝着高压缩比、高保真的方向发展,从MP1、MP2到目前的MP3格式。
- Obviously,it is very important to stress the training of basic skill in music education. 显然,在音乐教学中强调基本功的训练是十分重要的。
- Li Shutong is an illuminative music educator in modern China. 李叔同是我国近代著名的启蒙音乐教育家。
- Therefore, this paper tries to investigate the new path of music education in the Internet society. 因此,本文在国家音乐新课程标准的指导下,力图探索网络化社会中音乐教育的新途径和新对策,填补这一音乐教育研究的空白。
- Orff's lower skill requirement system accords with the existence of some parts of China's music education. 低技术要求的奥尔夫教育体系符合我国部分地区音乐教育的现状。
- The principal aim of music education is to promote individuals developing harmoniously. 促进人的和谐发展是艺术教育的宗旨。
- Later, cellist Yo-Yo Ma joined ASIMO onstage to receive an award for his efforts in music education. 在指挥时,它完美模仿指挥家的动作,向乐团各部点头致意并用单手或双手做手势。
- Then, from the disappearance of Nanjing Baiju, the author meditates on today’s music education. 然后,笔者由白局濒临灭绝引发了对今天学校音乐教育的思索。
- MRes in Creative Music Technology 创造性音乐技术硕士