- System of the creative motivation in liter. 创作动机系统论;
- The works deviation from creative motivation made him a well-known influential figure of those days and desolation nowadays as well. 创作动机与实践的背离,既使赵树理成为名动一时的风云作家,又造成了赵树理在今日的落寞与沉寂。
- Judging from his creative motives at a deeper level,we can see that Xu Kun is maki... 从深层创作动机上看,徐坤是在作着重塑知识分子和“知识”的深层次努力。
- Cultivation of Students'Creative Motivation in Chemical Experiment Teaching 在化学实验教学中培养学生的创造动机
- Due to the extrinsic repression of political sufferings, ZHANGXian-liang' s intrinsic personality was divided, which resulted in his ambivalence of novel idea, duality of creative motive, duality and dream-like characteristics of novel text. 由于外在的政治苦难的压抑,张贤亮内在的心理人格发生分裂,由此导致了他的小说观念的矛盾性,创作动机的二重性,小说文本的双重性和梦幻特征。
- His creative motive was to describe things aspired by adults and children, so he tactfully used the folklore of child switching as the background so that the two lines of storytelling could intersect. 而作者的创作动机是想要描述成人与儿童心里所企求的事物,所以巧妙地藉用调换儿传说之背景,使两条叙事线有所交集。
- His style is offbeat but highly creative. 他的风格很不寻常但非常有创造力。
- She is barren of creative spirit. 她缺乏创造精神。
- She's very creative; she writes and paints. 她很有创作能力,既从事写作又从事绘画。
- The masses have boundless creative power. 人民群众有无限的创造力。
- He combines creative imagination with true scholarliness. 他兼有创造性的想象力和真正的学者风范。
- He combines creative imagination and true scholarship. 他同时具有创造性想象力和真正的治学谨严学风。
- A strong creative impulse; divine inspiration. 灵感,神感强烈的创造欲; 神明启示
- A powerful motivation or impulse. 冲动一种强烈的动机或冲动
- The Modern lnterpretation of Jane Austen's Creative Motives 简·奥斯丁创作动因的现代解读
- Definite goal endows your motivation. 目标可转化为动力。
- They had to do some creative accountancy to balance their accounts. 他们必须做假帐才能平衡帐目。
- They lack the motivation to study. 他们缺乏学习的积极性。
- Stress depletes both energy and motivation. 压力不仅消耗体力而且让你丧失动力。
- The interior design is very creative and artistic. 室内设计非常独特,有艺术水准。