- On Yan Wenjing's Creation of Fairy Tales 严文井童话创作论
- Jiuzhaigou is the world of fairy tales. 九寨沟是一个童话的世界。
- creation of fairy tales 童话创作
- Hans Christian Andersen publishes first book of fairy tales. 年,汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生出版发行了首部童话书。
- He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales. 他看上去好象刚从我的童话故事书中走出来。
- The movie version of Steig's story is a sort of fairy tale in reverse. 史泰格原著故事的电影版有点像是童话故事的颠覆版。
- Lindsey: You gave up immortality for me. It's like some kind of fairy tale. 你为我放弃了永生。真像个童话故事。
- Hans Christian Andersen, Danish writer of fairy tales, including The Ugly Duckling. Died at Copenhagen. 丹麦童话作家汉斯·里斯琴·徒生在哥本哈根去世。他的代表作有《丑小鸭》。
- One of the favourite games in fairy tales is metamorphosis. 神话故事的惯用手法之一是凭借魔力改变形态。
- Andersen was now recognized as the prince of fairy tales and was looked upon as one of the greatest writers of the day. 这时,汉斯.;安徒生已被公认为童话王子,而且是他那个时代最伟大的作家之一。
- Great adventure in this fairy wonderland Color Game clearance action. Can you feel the charm of fairy tales! 在幻境大冒险这款童话色彩的动作过关游戏。你能体会到童话的魅力!
- All Odense too part in the great celebration for the shoemaker’s son who was now the prince of fairy tales. 所有欧登塞人都参加了庆祝活动。这位鞋匠的儿子现在已是童话王子了。
- His poems of fairy tales lively embody the demotic character, which is the core-idea of his articles. 他的童话体现出鲜明的人民性。
- Right now, Hans Andersen had been considered as the prince of fairy tales and one of the most bigness writers. 这时;汉斯*安徒生已被公认为童话王子;而且是他那个时代最伟大的作家之一.
- Dady's tricky. You promised to tell the story about Cinderella being trapped in the Kingdom of Fairy Tales. 爸爸赖皮...你说要给人家讲那个被困在童话世界里当灰姑娘的张的故事。
- One of the most famous authors of fairy tales in the world, Ha Christian Anderson, was born in Ode e in the19 th century. 汉斯。安徒生是世界上最著名的童话作家之一。19世纪,他出生在欧登塞。
- The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。
- Animals are often personified in fairy tales. 动物常在童话中被拟人化。
- Despite decades of feminism, women get the message that it still pays to be beautiful, just as in the days of fairy tales. 尽管经过几十年的女权运动,女人得到的信息是美貌仍然是有价值的,就像在神话时代一样。
- One of the most famous authors of fairy tales in the world, Hans Christian Anderson, was born in Odense in the 19th century. 汉斯。安徒生是世界上最著名的童话作家之一。19世纪,他出生在欧登塞。