- How to create Image (ISO) files from folders? 如何从目录建立镜像(ISO)文件?
- I depict the various scriptures in different languages to create images for shooting. 我描绘下了各宗教经文的原始文字,并用狗食制作拍摄用的文字食物。
- If you mainly want to create images to use on a website or to send in e_mails, you don't need an expensive high resolution camera. 如果你的照片主要想在网站上使用或通过email传送,那你没必要购买昂贵的高分辨率相机。
- If you mainly want to create images to use on a website or to send in e_mails,you don't need an expensive high resolution camera. 如果你的照片主要想在网站上使用或通过email传送,那你没必要购买昂贵的高分辨率相机。
- Even though Bianco-Valente deal with the low resolution of the basic visual proce , they create images formally perfect. 困?%2312290;虽然比安科-瓦兰特用低清晰度的基本视觉处理方式,但却创造了真正优秀的图像。
- In Chinese free-style verse, modernism is adroit at creating images. 在中国新诗史上,“现代派”是营造意象的高手。
- You can create images for other devices by typing width, height, and color-count parameters into the Custom Image dialog box. 可以通过将宽度、高度和颜色计数参数键入“自定义图像”对话框为其他设备创建图像。
- Although a few corporations start to create images of brand, but as a matter of fact most of them still do not realize the important role brand mascot has played in enriching the images and communicating with the customers. 很多企业的品牌,即使已经着手塑造品牌形象,也并没有意识到品牌吉祥物对于丰富品牌形象,以及与目标消费群沟通的重要作用。
- This test uses magnets and radio waves to create images of the inside of the body.MRI can show aortic dissection and aneurysm, and it can be used on the lower back to detect dural ectasia. 这项检查利用电磁波来创建体内的图像,不但能够显示主动脉剥离和主动脉瘤的具体情况,还能够用于腰部检测硬脊膜扩张。
- Hengshan Qianxun every day creates images on almost 400 cups of aromatic and visually pleasing cappuccino or espresso coffee. 像这样不仅味道香浓,而且有视觉享受的卡普奇诺或是意大利浓缩咖啡,横山千寻每天都要制作近400杯。
- This knowledge creates images that are at times reminiscent of tableaux vivants or of cor-poreal sculptural signs. 基于这样一种理解基础上创作的图像,是和舞台剧中的往事回忆相关,或者是令人惊叹的雕塑象征。
- Laser: Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, Concentrated light bean with narrow width used in creating images, engraving, etc. 激光:由刺激产生幅射而强化的光。它是集中的窄幅光束,可作产生影像,雕刻等用途。
- Poem is an art which creates images with using the most beautiful and musical language and expresses emotions borrowing from images. 诗歌是一种运用最精美的、带有音乐性的语言创造意象,主要借助意象以抒情的艺术。
- It would suggest some dereliction of duty for a man bent on creating image. 对一个在乎形象的人来说显然是怠忽职守。
- Laser Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, Concentrated light bean with narrow width used in creating images, engraving, etc. 由刺激产生幅射而强化的光。它是集中的窄幅光束,可作产生影像,雕刻等用途。
- We are interested in bringing a light to our projects that inspire the community and that creates images, ideas, and styles that are uniquely North Philadelphian. [我们最有兴趣的是,希望能够带来点燃生命火花的行动案,在其中,社区的孩子与成人的艺术灵感舒活、滋长,从而创造出各式各样纯属于在地独特的意象、点子与风格
- Others have created images as terrible as his of manaaaaas inhumanity to man, but no other major artist has conceived of a world so comprehensively consumed by hate. 其他创造的影像是他对别人的非人性的恐怖感,那是没有其他艺术家想得出来的由厌恶假定的全面性的世界。
- He built an illustrious career upon creating images of idealized feminine beauty, infused with sensuality and masterful naturalistic detail, within a Graeco-Roman-inspired style. 他建立了一个杰出的职业生涯时创造的形象理想化的女性美,充满肉感和娴熟自然细节,在希腊罗马式的风格。
- Imagism is distinguished by its concentration on the hard, verbally created image rather than the translucent symbol. 意象主义以其专注于由严格的词语创造的意象而不是以易于了解的象征为特色。
- That would create a wrong impression. 那将造成一种错误的印象。