- Only on take off, landing and when it is rough flying weather. 只有在起飞、着陆或天气不好不能平稳飞行时才扣上。
- The heavy box landed crash on his head. 沉重的箱子哗啦一声掉到他的头上。
- The vase fell crash on to the tiles. 花瓶哗啦一声掉在瓷砖上。
- At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas. 睡觉时,我脱去衣服,换上睡衣。
- At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on pyjamas. 在上床的时候,我脱掉衣服并穿上睡衣。
- An aircraft that can take off and land on either land or water. 水陆两用飞机可以在水面和地面起飞降落的飞机
- When do you guess the airplane will take off? 你猜飞机何时要起飞?
- The plane was heavily damaged in crash on take-off. 飞机在起飞时坠落,遭到严重损坏。
- Joanna (J) comes across a car crash on the highway. 琼安娜在高速公路上遭遇撞车事故。
- Shoot! I forget to take off my nail polish. 糟糕!我忘了擦掉指甲油。
- He has threatened to take off the gloves. 他已威胁说要不客气了。
- Will crash on its own recursive call. 在自身的递归调用上崩溃。
- The plane was noticed to take off at six o'clock. 飞机接到通知六时起飞。
- Can I crash on your floor tonight? 我今晚能在你家打个地铺吗?
- However hot it is, he will not take off his coat. 无论多热,他也不会脱掉外衣。
- The stock market crash on Black Friday. 黑色星期五股市下跌。
- The doctor gestured me to take off my coat. 医生做手势要我脱去外套。
- The many crash on the icy road tell their own tale. 路上结冰发生多起撞车事故, 路面情况已不言而喻。
- We heard about the air crash on the news. 我们从新闻里听到了飞机失事的情况。
- She took off the old dress and put on a new one. 她脱下旧连衣裙,穿上一件新的。