- craniofacial fisaure 颅面裂
- Craniofacial:Of or involving both the cranium and the face. 颅面的:属于颅骨和脸面的或与颅骨和脸面有关的.
- It can affect long bones, ribs and craniofacial bones. 多发生于长骨、助骨及头颅颜面骨。
- Newborns with craniofacial asymmetry were the high risk group for CMT. 脸型及头型不对称之新生儿为发生先天性肌肉斜颈高危险群。
- Results Upper arch is narrower than normal in craniofacial asymmetry. 结果不对称畸形上牙弓双侧狭窄;
- METHODS From Jan 1999 to Dec 2004,177 patients undergone speech treatment in Craniofacial Center of Shanghai Second Medical University. 方法1999年1月至2004年12月在上海第二医科大学唇腭裂治疗研究中心因异常语音治疗的患者。
- Results SSD and VR can display the obvious craniofacial fractures clearly and stereoscopically. 结果SSD和VR对于面颅骨较大、移位较明显的骨折显示良好,图像立体感强,直观。
- Computerized measurement study about craniofacial organs of Nu Nationality in Yunnan. 怒族头面部计算机图形图像测量研究
- There is more correlation between craniofacial morphology and FH/OPT -> FH/CVT than FH/VER, OPT/VER, CVT/VER . 相对于FH/VER、OPT/VER、CVT/VER面部形态结构与FH/OPT、FH/CVT相关性较大。
- Purpose To evaluate the clinical value of 3D CT of in the application in craniofacial surgery. 目的 评价三维CT在颅颌外科中的应用价值。
- Conclusion: we have gained an original databank of the craniofacial characteristics and aesthetics of Tibtan youth. 结论:初步得出了藏族青年人头面部特征和美容学数据库。
- Objective To study the normal values of craniofacial organs of Hani nationality in Yunnan. 目的对云南省特有少数民族哈尼族头面部器官进行全面系统地测量研究。
- Objctive To evaluate the value of CT in diognosis of osteitis deformans in craniofacial lone. 目的:为了探讨CT诊断颅面部畸形性骨炎的价值。
- Hemosinus due to craniofacial trauma can be resolved by mucociliary clearance within weeks. 头颅颜面外伤所造成鼻窦积血的情形可在数周内藉著黏液纤毛运动所排除;
- Carpenter's syndrome is an extremely rare craniofacial disorder. There are currently around 41 reported cases. 什麽是'卡彭特综合徵-遗传性疾病异常面部特徵'?
- It demonstrated that atrophy of masseter muscle altered the craniofacial growth and development. 实验结果证实咬肌萎缩后,确实会影响颅颜骨型态及生长发育。
- It is due to multiple factors such as overbite development, craniofacial growth, and improper oral habits. 因为开咬可能肇因于牙齿垂直覆盖发展不足,颅颜垂直方向生长失衡,或有不良的口腔习惯。
- The same pulling forcewith different direction may cause different extent of craniofacial displacement. 大小相同,方向不同的牵引力可以引起不同程度的颌面位移。
- Objective :To investigate the treatment method for oral and maxillofacial fractures with craniofacial trauma. 目的:总结颌面部骨折并发颅脑损伤的诊治要点。
- Cohen syndrome has several characteristics such as obesity, mental retardation and craniofacial dysmorphism. 什么是'科恩综合征-罕见的先天性障碍与肥胖及精神发育迟滞'?