- Five of the twelve cranial nerves become activated when you kiss somebody. 当你吻某人时十二条脑神经中五条将变得活跃。
- The blood supply of the intracavernous cranial nerves: a microsurgical anatomy study. 海绵窦内颅神经血液供应显微外科解剖研究。
- Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI. The oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves control eye movements. 颅神经3,4和6,以及动眼神经,滑车神经,外展神经控制着眼球运动。
- No approach-related complications such as cerebellar mutism, injury of posterior cranial nerves ... 结论经小脑延髓裂入路微创手术能安全有效地切除第四脑室内肿瘤。
- Seven of twelve cranial nerves are straightly correlated with visual afferent or eye movement. 神经系统疾病可从很多方面表现为眼部损害;
- Conclusions HCP mainly presents with headache and paralysis of multiple cranial nerves. 结论肥厚性硬脑膜炎以头痛和多脑神经受累为主要临床表现;
- Either of the sixth pair of cranial nerves that convey motor impulses to the rectus muscle on the lateral side of each eye. 外展神经,外旋神经颅内六对神经中的一对,可以将运动刺激传达到每只眼边侧的直肌。
- Clinically, patients with VBD present with acute vertigo due to ischemic change, or with neurologic deficits due to compression of the cranial nerves. 或因压迫脑组织,出现神经症状,而以类似脑肿瘤的情况前来求诊。
- Conclusion: Plastination can demonstrate the cranial nerves accurately, so it is an important comparative studying method of the cranial nerves. 结论:生物塑化薄层切片能够对脑神经进行准确显示,是脑神经影像学研究的重要对比方法。
- Objective To study the dural migration of sinus cavernous and related movement of cranial nerves,a basic model was set up to understand its local structure. 目的研究海绵窦部硬脑膜的移行及相关脑神经的走行,建立一个基本的模型,更好的理解该局部的结构。
- Methods:The location, course and syntopy of cranial nerves in cavernous sinus were observed on 17 adult cadaverical heads (34 sides of cavernous sinuses). 方法:对17例成年头部标本的海绵窦内脑神经的位置、走行、毗邻进行解剖学观察。
- The four beasts are his four lower spiritual center\'s desires and the twenty-four elders are the twenty-four cranial nerves that lead to his five senses. 四个活物是他的四个较低精神中心的欲望,二十四个长老是二十四个通往五种感官的大脑神经。
- Cranial nerve tutorial. Fundamental information about the cranial nerves. 大脑神经导引:脑神经的基本资讯。
- Vascular loop compression of the eight cranial nerve was found in all patients. 术中均见有血管袢压迫第viii颅神经。
- Why is the person's cranial nerve incontrollable cardiac muscle activity? 为什么人的脑神经不能控制心肌活动?
- The nervous system, however, revealed definite abnormal physical signs. There was definite loss of vibration sense Below the pelvis and also loss of position sense in the toes. Arm and cranial nerves were normal. 不过神经系统却表现有明显的异常体征;在骨盆以下明显的丧失了振动感;足趾也没有位觉。上肢和颅神经正常。
- Examination of the nervous system revealed that the higher functions, speech, and cranial nerves were normal. Fundus examination did not disclose anything of note. Moter, sensory and cerebellar functions were normal in the upper extremities. 神经系统检查表明,其高级神经活动、语言和颅神经亦皆正常。眼底检查未发现任何值得注意的迹象。运动、感觉和小脑功能在上肢都正常
- Median skull base corresponds to intracranial region of the brain stem, pituitary gland and adjacent several cranial nerves, ICA and cavernous sinus and extracranial structures include the sphenoid sinus and nasopharynx. 中间颅底颅内面撑托垂体、脑干、毗邻多组颅神经及重要血管,而且大部分中间颅底肿瘤对放疗化疗均不敏感,因此肿瘤彻底切除一直是颅底外科研究的热门课题。
- Discovered by using endoscopy, the CPA was divided into 4 levels: petrosal veinand arachnoid mater, acousticofacial bundle, trigeminal and abducens nerves, and lower cranial nerves(glossopharyngeal,vagus, and accessory). 内镜下由浅入深、由上至下可分为4层,即岩静脉层、面听神经层、三叉神经-外展神经层和低位颅神经层。