- The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。
- She got up at the crack of dawn. 天刚亮她便起床了。
- That style of architecture is too ornate for my taste. 那种建筑风格太华丽了,不对我的口味。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。
- The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。
- The style of architecture originated from/with the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源於古希腊。
- The Forbidden City is one of the world's greatest works of architecture. 紫禁城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。
- He heard the cracks of rifle fire in the distance. 他听到了远处的步枪声。
- The crack of a rifle is very sharp. 手枪的爆声很尖锐。
- The great symbol of architecture, Babel, is a hive. 被誉为建筑艺术伟大象征的巴比塔,就是一座蜂房。
- A bastard style of architecture. 伪造的建筑式样
- His bag wedged in the crack of the door. 他的书包被卡在门缝里了。
- It's a fantastic piece of architecture. 它确实是一项令人惊叹的建筑。
- I was up at the crack of dawn to get the plane. 为了乘飞机,我破晓时就起身了。
- The great symbol of architecture,Babel,is a hive. 被誉为建筑艺术伟大象征的巴比塔,就是一座蜂房。
- You're never yet heard the crack of an angry rifle. 你从未听过交战时的猛烈枪声。
- This kind of architectural style depresses me. 这种建筑风格让我感到很压抑。
- Gothic: a style of architecture originated in N. 哥特式的:用以指一种在11世纪兴起与法国北部,12至16世纪常见于西欧之建筑风格。
- We have to get up at the crack of dawn. 我们必须一大清早就起床。
- It's a landmark in the history of architecture. 它是建筑史上的一个里程碑。