- Castor oil is used for medicine. 蓖麻油可作药用。
- The doctor wrote me a prescription for medicine for my cough. 医生给我开了一个治咳嗽的处方。
- A high-speed brute-force password cracker for MySQL hashed passwords. 一个高速mysql密码暴力破解器,速度很快,但也很占资源。
- He drinks this medical tea for medicinal purposes. 他为了治病而喝这种冲剂。
- He went in for medicine at the age of sixteen. 他十六岁就从事药学。
- cracker for medicine 药物粉碎机
- He kept a little brandy for medicinal purposes. 他留了点白兰地作药用。
- Most of her money has been spent for medicine. 她的大多数钱都用在买药上了。
- This sort of oil is used for medicine. 这种油可作药用。
- All her wages had been spent for medicine. 她的全部工资那时都买药花掉了。
- My son is going in for medicine. 我的儿子爱好医学。
- SIR Alex Ferguson is considering another Christmas cracker for United by raiding Moscow again. 弗格森可能再次在圣诞奇袭莫斯科。
- He go in for medicine at the age of sixteen. 他十六岁就从事药学。
- Cultivated for medicine and spice. 栽培药用和作香料。
- Calm down. Here, open the graham crackers for me. 冷静点。拿去,帮我开这盒全麦饼干。
- He was honoured with the Nobel prize for medicine in 2002. 他曾获2002年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
- Clyde went to drug stores for medicine that did not work. 克莱德到药店找了药,但没能打掉。
- The research has far-reaching implications for medicine as a whole. 这项研究对整个医学界都有着深远的影响。
- It's about that consignment of fireworks and crackers for the U.S.. 是关于你们托运到美国的烟花和鞭炮的事。
- As intermediate for medicine, pesticide and sensitive material. 用于有机合成制造农药、医药、感光材料中间体。