- coup the creels [苏]弄乱, 变杂乱
- Improper settings in the sliver condensing plate at the creel. 条桶架上搓条板安装不合适。
- Such procedures require reversing the creels at first and second drawing. 这样的工序就需要在头、二道并条中换条筒反向。
- It is normal for the device to be sited in the creel very near to the package. 一般筒子架上的张力装置应靠近筒子。
- Hence the size and, therefore, the capacity of the creel is limited. 因此筒子架的大小及容量是有限度的。
- Many Thais have described this as the friendliest coup the country has ever seen. 一位军方发言人说:“其实不需要告诉士兵们要保持微笑和友好,因为军人是民众的一部分。
- In theory, the size of the creel (and therefore the number of packages it may hold)is unlimited. 从理论上讲,筒子架的大小(即它所能容纳的筒子的数目)是没有限制的。
- The army staged a coup (d'etat). 军方发动了一场政变。
- The oppressed were free after the coup. 被压迫的人民,在政变之后获得自由。
- In practice, and not considering purchase price, the creel size is limited by two factors. 在实际生产中,不考虑价格因素,筒子架的大小受到两方面的限制。
- After the 2006 coup the army and its allies in the bureaucracy ran the country dismally, and Thailand's economy is now among the region's slowest-growing. 2006年的政变之后,军队以及它在政府之中的官僚同盟使这个国家处于恐慌,并且现今的泰国经济正处于最慢的增长速度。
- In the case of warping, this means that the ballooning of the yarn coming from the creel package must be controlled. 这就意味着,在整经过程中,对从筒子上退绕下来的纱线形成的气圈要加以控制。
- The creel stand is the best equipment for nowadays cord fibre production enterprise adopting direct twisting method. 该筒子架是目前帘子布生产行业采用直捻筒子组织生产时配置的最佳设备。
- The anarchical state of the country district after the coup. 政变后国家行政地区的无政府状态。
- The president's recent death set the stage for a military coup. 总统最近死后,酝酿着一场军事政变。
- These showed that after the coup the public opinions were very complicated, and at the same time reflected the different opinions of all social strata towards the current political situation. 这些出自各方面的舆论,说明政变后的社会舆论比较复杂,反映了社会各阶层对时局的不同主张以及先进与落后势力的复杂斗争。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。