- September 8, Lin Zhangpu county public security organs to the report, Kemou immediately arrested. 9月8日,林某向漳浦县公安机关报案,柯某随即落入法网。
- county public security organ 县级公安机关
- Anyone who intends to hunt with a gun must obtain a gun license from the public security organ of the county or municipality concerned. 持枪猎捕的,必须取得县、市公安机关核发的持枪证。
- A parolee shall be supervised by a public security organ. 被假释的罪犯由公安机关予以监督。
- The entertainment place shall report to the local public security organ at the county level for archiving purposes within 15 days after obtaining the business license. 娱乐场所取得营业执照后,应当在15日内向所在地县级公安部门备案。
- Rumors hidden behind what in the end?With this suspicion, the reporter visited the Pingtan County Public Security Bureau. 传言的背后到底隐藏着什么?带着这个疑惑,记者走访了平潭县公安局。
- Public security organ must enhance the capacity of comprehensive disposal. 公安机关必须增强综合处置的能力。
- The county public security bureau asked for arrest permit on charge of rascals raping by turns.The county procuratoriate approved the arrest of 13 of them. 县公安局以流氓轮奸罪提请批捕,县检察院批准逮捕13人。
- When making an arrest, a public security organ must produce an arrest warrant. 第七十一条公安机关逮捕人的时候,必须出示逮捕证。
- The people's court shall commit the detainee to the public security organ for supervision. 被拘留的人,由人民法院交公安机关看管。
- Upon giving approval, the local public security organ shall make it known to the public. 当地公安机关应当向社会公告。
- Upon giving approval,the local public security organ shall make it known to the public. 在批准问题上,当地公安机关应当向社会公告。
- Article 38 Extradition shall be uted by the public security organs. 第三十八条引渡由公安机关执行。
- Article12. When a citizen dies, the public security organ shall revoke his or her resident identity card. 第十二条公民死亡的,由公安机关收回居民身份证。
- Article65 A public security organ shall interrogate a detainee within24 hours after detention. 第六十五条公安机关对于被拘留的人,应当在拘留后的二十四小时以内进行讯问。
- Where it is necessary to stop overnight on the way, the local public security organ must be informed of the matter. 途中停留住宿的,必须报告当地公安机关。
- The public security organ may provide a temporary place for custody upon the request of the Requesting State. 公安机关可以根据过境请求国的请求,提供临时羁押场所。
- The public security organ or the people's procuratorate shall inform the prison of the result of its handling. 公安机关或者人民检察院应当将处理结果通知监狱。
- Except in emergency situations, the public security organ must have a search warrant during a search. 在搜查的时候,除紧急情形外,应当有公安机关的搜查证。
- After being summoned to the public security organ, the offender should be interrogated and investigated promptly. 对违反治安管理的人,公安机关传唤后应当及时讯问查证。