- counting leading screw 计数丝杠
- counting lead screw 计数丝杠
- These drives can now drive virtually any lead screw. 现今这些驱动已能驱动任何导螺杆。
- Adopts precision seamless ball and lead screw for movements along X,Y axis. 轴运动采用精密级无间隙滚珠丝杠传动。
- The decimal system of counting led to the important branch of mathematics. 十进位计算制导致数学这一重要分支的产生。
- The slim lead screw is difficult to process,combining with experience physically according of our factory, a processing method was introduced. 细长丝杠属于难加工类产品;根据实际加工经验浅谈此类活件的加工方法.
- We use bclt or cogwheel to regulate speed for the main shaft , ball lead screw and stepping motor for operating plat form . 主轴采用皮带或齿轮变速,工作台采用滚珠丝杆,步进电机;
- Saw positioning by using Step-by-steps the electrical machinery, Precision ball bearing lead screw exported from Germany makes the cutting work pieces more precise. 锯片定位,采用德国进口的步进电机及精密滚珠丝杆,使裁切的工件尺寸更为准确。
- Adopting special lantern gear to minify the drive error of the screw drive chain on CA6140 lathe,high-precision inch-system lead screw and modulus lead screw can be processed. 采用专用挂轮,减小了CA6140螺纹传动链的传动误差,可加工出高精度英制丝杠和模数丝杠。
- Optical fiber winding was a important technique in optical fiber guided missile,and lag angle controlled by lead screw subsystem was a key factor in optical fiber precise winding. 光纤自动精密缠绕是导弹光纤制导中的一项重要技术,其中滞后角是光纤精密缠绕中的关键因素,滞后角的控制是通过丝杠子系统来完成的。
- Based on the analysis of the pitch error measure theorem for screw,the dynamic measure system of pitch error for lead screw constituted by single-chip microcomputer is discussed. 在分析丝杠螺距误差测量基本原理的基础上,简述了由单片微机组成的滚珠丝杠螺距误差动态测试系统,并开发了计算机辅助自动分析测控软件。
- In servo driving chain, the error sources which contribute to the electric motor and lead screw can be eliminated due to several new construction design method.That the machining precis... 在伺服机构传动链中,采用了多项新颖结构设计,消除了电机、丝杠等误差对传动系统的影响,经测试证明,可明显提高机床的精度指标。
- That was the only thing they could count on. 那是他们唯一依靠的东西。
- The little boy can count up to a thousand. 这个小男孩能够数到一千。
- Numerical control leading screw grinding machine 数控丝杠磨床
- It's not humanly possible to count so quickly. 计算得这么快是人力无法做到的。
- The speed of a runaway horse count for nothing. 脱缰之马的速度毫无价值。
- A government official said last week China hopes to join an international space station project that already counts leading space powers such as the United States and Russia as its members. 一名中国政府官员上周表示,中国希望加入国际空间站计划,已经加入该计划的都是主要的空间大国,例如它的成员包括美国和俄罗斯。
- There is a high pollen count in the air. 空气中有很高的花粉计数。