- counterflow film cooling 逆流薄膜冷却
- There were better benefits through cooling by slot and wiggle-strip film cooling. 其中缝隙式气膜冷却和波纹板式气膜冷却冷却结构的冷却效果比较好。
- TLC technique can be successfully applied to reflect film cooling effectual area and cooling effect. 利用液晶测温技术可以很好地反映气膜冷却区域及冷却效果等。
- There were three film cooling schemes used, namely, slot, discrete-hole and wiggle-strip. 采用的冷却方案共有3种,分别是缝隙式、离散孔式和波纹板式气膜冷却方案。
- The empiric formulas for calculating slot film cooling effectiveness were derived from the test data according to the turbulence-mixing model. 根据湍流混合模型及气膜效率试验数据归纳了计算缝槽气膜冷却气膜效率的经验关系式。
- The unsteady wake made the time-averaged film cooling effectiveness decreased at blowing ratio of 0.5, rod diameter of 4mm. 在吹风比M=0.;5,细钢棒直径4mm时,非定常尾迹使气膜的时均冷却有效温比降低。
- The enhancement of turbulence level lead to obvious decrease in film cooling effectiveness when p/d is large and the momentum ratio is high. 在孔节距及动量比均较大时,主流湍流度的增大会导致气膜冷却效率较为明显的下降.
- Film cooling effectiveness for injection from single row and double row dustpan shaped holes has been studied experimentally. 摘要对双排错排簸箕形孔气膜冷却效率进行了实验研究,测出了孔排下游的局部冷却效率的分布。
- This novel method avoids the shortcomings of conventional spray or film cooling systems, such as water penetration through cracks, high maintenance requirement, etc. 这种新颖的方法避免了传统喷洒冷却或薄雾冷却系统的不足,例如水渗透进入缝隙。
- The Film cooling effectiveness on the blade surface were measured in the cases of mainstream Reynolds number from 250000 to 450000 and blowing ratio from 0.5 to 2.5. 实验的参数变化范围是:基于叶片弦长的来流雷诺数250000~450000,吹风比0.;5~2
- The lengthways coupled-vortex behind the film cooling holes which is of high vorticity and low vortex heart is helpful to improve the film cooling efficiency on the area covered. 气膜孔后高涡量、低涡心位置的纵向耦合涡的形成有助于提高其覆盖区域的气膜冷却效率;
- This paper presented influence of factor on film cooling,enhanced heat transfer in tunnel and heat pipe cooling,how to apply and development for these technologies. 详细地阐述了对气膜冷却、内部强化换热以及热管冷却等的影响因素,目前的应用状况以及发展前景。
- Hu Yaping,Ji Honghu.Synergetic analysis of velocity and temperature fields of flat plate film cooling[J].Journal of Enginee-Ring Thermophysics,2004,25(1):94-96(in Chinese). [2]胡娅萍;吉洪湖.;平壁气膜冷却流场与温度场的协同分析[J]
- Investigation of local heat transfer characteristics near film cooling holes about inner side of turbine blade midchord area with impingement was carried out experimentally. 摘要对叶片弦中区内部“冲击-气膜出流”冷却方式中气膜孔附近壁面的换热特性进行了实验研究。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- Numerical investigation for local heat transfer characteristics of the inner side of turbine blade near film cooling holes, whether there is impingement or no has been carried out with an RSM turbulence model. 摘要用RSM模型对有、无冲击气膜出流冷气侧气膜孔局部换热特性进行了数值研究。
- When there is impingement, the effect of flow and geometrical parameters on the local heat transfer characteristics near film cooling holes is investigated, and the mechanism of local heat transfer characteristics is obtained. 在有冲击射流时,着重研究了流动和几何参数对气膜孔局部换热特性的影响,分析了“冲击-气膜出流”局部换热特性规律。
- When there is no impingement, the investigation about flow extravasation effect form film cooling holes is carried out with different cross flow Reynolds Numbers and different density flow ratios of the film outflow to cross flow. 在无冲击射流时,通过改变来流雷诺数、气膜出流与横流密流比,对气膜孔的“溢流效应”进行了研究。
- The flow fields and cooling effectiveness of the film cooling from a row of cylindrical angled holes with special sphenoid tabs are investigated numerically at different blowing ratios. 在倾斜圆柱形气膜孔中加装一种特制的楔形突片+结构,可以改善气膜孔下游平均冷却效率,本文对此进行了数值研究。