- He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains. 他似乎认为只有他才聪明。
- In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly. 在有些国家烟草是政府的专卖品。
- There was an enormous cat crouching on the counter. 柜台上蜷伏着一只硕大的猫。
- He placed the money on the counter. 他把钱放在柜台上。
- Can the goods be refunded at your counter? 你们柜台的商品可以退吗?
- The regime has been propped up by several monopoly capitalists. 那个政权一直是受到若干垄断资本家的支持而维持着的。
- The company had the absolute monopoly of import of french wine. 该公司对法国酒的进口有绝对的垄断。
- We should not act counter to our promise. 我们不应违背自己的诺言。
- He tipped the money in his pocket onto the counter. 他把口袋里的钱倾倒在柜台上。
- She plumped down her shopping bag on the counter. 她将购物袋蓦地往柜台上一放。
- A good education should not be the monopoly of the rich. 良好的教育不应是富人独享的事。
- He acted counter to old conventions. 他的行为与旧习俗背道而驰。
- I bought the watch at the jewelry counter. 这只表是我在珠宝柜买的。
- The telecommunication service is a government monopoly. 电信为政府专营。
- He hit me but I did not counter. 他打了我,但我没有还手。
- He planked down the money on the counter and asked for more beer. 他用力将钱扔在柜台上叫再拿些啤酒来。
- Shoppers got into a scrum round the bargain counter. 顾客在廉价品柜台周围你争我夺。
- The monopoly capitalists ganged up to raise cotton prices. 垄断资本家们串通一气抬高棉花价格。
- He planked the money down on the counter and asked for more beer. 他把钱撂在柜台上,叫再给他些啤酒。
- I can not rent this video--there is a girl behind the counter. 我不能租这一盘录像带--柜台有女孩子。