- Far from losing money, he can hardly count his profits. 他哪里是在赔钱,他几乎无法计算其利润呢!
- He was telling his beads when we entered. 我们进来时,他正在数珠子。
- You must not count his inexperience against him. 你不可因为他没经验就认为他不行。
- He had not,so far as we knew,lost his bead. 据我们了解,他还没有丧失理智。
- He never even bothered to count his drinks. 他甚至从来不记一下喝了几杯。
- He put down his bead as if he was going to read the book. 他低下头好像要读书的样子。
- count his beadsvi. 祷告
- He still refused to count his land worth anything at all. 他仍旧不愿说他的地值多少钱。
- The nurse scarified the bald man so bard that his bead was as red as a lobster. 护士给秃子梳头梳得太重,弄得他的头顶红得像龙虾一样。
- Mr. Chen should not complain too much; he needs to count his blessings! 陈先生不要有太多的埋怨;他应该有感恩之心,知足常乐。
- Sitting down on the bedside he counted his money. 在床边坐下来,他数了数钱。
- George counts his chickens before they are hatched. 乔治打如意算盘。
- The shopkeeper were counting his money. 店主正在数钱。
- Cross, too, is counting his blessings. 克罗斯也不断地作感恩祷告。
- Eric sits and counts his money . (艾瑞克坐着数着他的钱。)
- "Bah humbug," says Ebenezer Scrooge, the grumpy miser who would rather count his money than celebrate Christmas. 失去了爱与人性的史曲之先生是一个痛苦、冷血的人。
- I told him not to count his chickens, because they hatch because that woman may not marry him. 照字面的意思是:在蛋未孵化前,不要先数小鸡的数目。也就是说,凡是不要期望过早或过高。
- At the end of the day, the shopkeeper counted his money. 一天过去了,店主数一数钱。
- He found his rich brother at home, counting his money. 他发现他富兄弟正在家点钱。
- The old man worried his beads. 这位老人经常拨弄他的珠子。