- We would give more examples if we could afford the space. 假如我们能匀出篇幅来,就可以多举些例子了。
- They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not. 他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。
- Only some of the farms could afford to buy large agricultural machinery. 只有某些农场有条件购买大型农业机械了。
- Only wealthy people could afford to be treated with it in the old society. 在旧社会只有有钱人才有条件用它进行治疗。
- He'd go there now if he could afford it. 如果抽得出时间的话,他现在会到那儿去的。
- Only a man of means could afford such a big house. 只有富人才买得起这样的大宅第。
- We wish we could afford to buy a new car. 但愿我们能买一辆新车。
- Only the well-to-do could afford to patronize them. 只有富人才能资助他们。
- The devils could afford to take their time! 这些混蛋确实用不着着急啊!
- There's no way we could afford that sort of money. 我们无论如何都花不起那种钱。
- Only a millionaire could afford these prices. 只有百万富翁才能出得起这个价钱。
- The average person could afford to play. 普通百姓也可以玩这项运动了。
- Mrs. Black shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford. 布莱克夫人从一家商店兜到另一家商店,最后以出得起的价格买进了她所需要的东西。
- Business in the area went into a decline, as not many people could afford to buy goods. 这个地区的商业日益萧条,因为有钱买得起商品的人不多了。
- I don't think I could afford to spend so much money for this jewel. 我看我花不起那么多钱买这个珠宝饰物。
- Chocolate became a luxury only the aristocracy could afford. 于是巧克力成了只有贵族才吃得起的奢侈品。
- If we could afford it, we'd like to go abroad for our holidays. 如果出得起旅费,我们想到国外去度假。
- I thought I could afford it, then I costed it out properly and found it was too expensive. 我以为能负担得起那费用,後来认真估算了一下才知道过於昂贵。
- I wish I could afford a trip to China to see the Great Wall. 我要是有钱能去一趟中国看看长城就好了。
- If I could afford it,I'd certainly take a trip abroad. 有钱的话,我肯定会去国外旅游的。