- Could we have a word before you go to the meeting? 你去开会之前,咱们能私下说句话吗?
- Could we put it off to the next day? 我们把它推迟到第二天行吗?
- Could we run that sequence through again? 咱们再把那一段重放一遍好吗?
- Could we go through (ie rehearse) Act 2 once more? 我们重排一次第二幕的戏好吗?
- Could we run through Act 3 again, please? 请大家把第3幕再排练一遍好吗?
- Could we have a run-through of the main points discussed? 我们把讨论的要点归纳一下好吗?
- Could we get back to the original question of funding? 我们可以回到最初有关集资的问题上吗?
- Could we run through your proposals once again? 我们再来审议一下你的建议好吗?
- Could we go and play tennis at the weekend? 能一起去打网球吗?
- Could we have a table over there by the window? 我们可以坐那儿窗边的桌子吗?
- Could we put off the meeting just one more day? 我们可以把会议延后一天吗?
- Could we go through(ie rehearse)Act 2 once more? 我们重排一次第二幕的戏好吗
- Could we make a tentative appointment for Friday? 我们能暂时先约在星期五吗?
- Could we publish the book in your name? 我们可不可以以你的名义出这本书。
- Could we go in and visit this home? -Certainly. 我们进去访问一下这一家行吗?-当然可以。
- Could we see the specifications for the X200? 我们可以看一下X200型的详细规格吗?
- When could we typically expect delivery? 我们希望常规的发货时间是什么时候呢?
- Could we move on now to the advertising time? 现在我们可以讨论广告时间一事吗?
- Well,could we have a menu first,please? 嗯!能不能先来一份菜单。
- Could we get back to the question of funding? 我们回到资金问题上来好吗?