- cotyledon senescence 子叶衰老
- Eth accelerated the senescence of cut flowers. 0.;3mmol/LSTS脉冲液在常温下对延长切花寿命没有明显作用。
- Its cotyledon node zone is telome elongation type. 它的子叶节区类型为顶枝伸长型。
- Senescence is the key problem of cucumber storage. 衰老是黄瓜贮藏中的主要问题。
- It affects tuberization, leaf senescence, and dormancy. 它影响块茎形成、叶子衰老和休眠。
- A shoot regeneration system from cotyledon of Helianthus annuus L. 油葵子叶外植体不定芽再生体系的建立。
- And cheating cell senescence probably wouldn't grant immortality. 就算骗过了细胞老化的过程,大概不能保证长生不老。
- The soluble protein declined as the cotyledon development. 可溶性蛋白的含量随著子叶的发育而逐步降低。
- Studies on cotyledon node zone in some genera of Ranunculaceae. 毛茛科若干属的子叶节区研究。
- Restrain senescence of skin, keep skin wet and anti-sensitive. 防止皮肤早衰,抗老化,瞬间补水,预防及缓解敏感。
- Each seed consist of endosperm and 2 cotyledon embryo. 成熟种子具胚乳,子叶二枚。
- This suggests evolution affects or determines senescence. 这说明进化影响或决定着衰老。
- Waterlog harmness can retard the growth of crops and speed senescence. 摘要湿害能使作物发育不良,衰老加速。
- Studies on the dynamiting effect of glibberellin on Raphanus sativus Cotyledon. 赤霉素对萝卜子叶增重作用的研究。
- Callus Induction and Differentiation from the Cotyledon of Capsicum annuum L. 三樱椒子叶愈伤组织的诱导及分化。
- Objective:To explore the effect of Shenshu point on delaying senescence. 目的:探讨肾俞穴在延缓衰老中的作用。
- Cotyledon explants were better recipient for transformation of M. sativa L. 苜蓿子叶外植体是较理想的转化受体。
- Improve senescence of skin, keep skin wet and pinch pore. Relaxation. 能防止肌肤老化,保湿,收敛毛孔,舒缓一天的压力。
- The seed does not have endosperm, embryo unbend, cotyledon hypertrophy. 种子无胚乳,胚伸直,子叶肥大。
- Fructification includes peel, seed coat, cotyledon and embryo 4 parts. 果实包括果皮.;种皮