- cost many lies 使许多人丧生
- Get off with you; those shoes must have cost more than ten pounds. 我不相信,那些鞋的价钱一定在10英镑以上。
- Smoking is a bad habit that has cost many people their lives. 吸烟是一个已断送了很多人性命的坏习惯。
- Now, no more lies, Moloch.Who runs Pyramid? |别再撒谎了,邪恶火神 谁开的金字塔公司?
- No more tricks, no more lies, only truth. 不再有诡计,不再有谎言,只有真相。
- Keys no more lie in the air, or float on the water. 钥匙不会吊在空中,也不会浮在水上。
- So, toilet decorates need to cost many time, manpower and financial capacity. 所以,卫生间装修需要花费大量的时间、人力和财力。
- If you buy it new, it will cost more than double. 如果您买新的,价钱就得贵一倍以上。
- Large packages cost more postage. 大的包裹邮费贵些。
- Yet many lies about feelings are motivated by the exact reverse, they are quite often pro-social lies. 然而还有很多的谎言的动机却完全相反,它们很多时候是有助益于社会的。
- A freezer doesn't cost much to run. 使用冰箱花钱不多。
- None of your airs! Don't put it on so! Don't tell any more lies! 别装腔作势!别摆架子!别撒谎!
- If you buy it new,it will cost more than double. 如果您买新的,价钱就得贵一倍以上。
- We can take a taxi. That doesn't cost much. 我们可以打的去,花不了多少钱。
- It looks like I'm fated to have to lie in order to make a decent living. I can't recall how many lies I have told during the Japanese Occupation. 我一辈子是靠着撒谎谋生,鬼子时代,我还不知撒了多少谎哩?
- A cake of soap doesn't cost much. 一块肥皂花不了多少钱。
- The maintaining of one vice costs more than ten virtues. 保持一桩恶事的代价超过于十件好事。
- This year records cost more than ever. 今年的唱片比以往哪年都贵。
- I know that, Your Majesty.But perhaps James doesn't know it.He hears so many lies, all the time.He needs to know the true story.Why don't you write, and tell him? 我知道,陛下。可是也许詹姆斯不知道。他总是听到那么多谎言,他需要知道真实的情况。您为什么不写信告诉他呢?
- Houses which overlook the lake cost more. 俯瞰湖泊的房子要价高些。