- How do you use cost rate tables? 使用成本费率表的方法?
- The cost rate of product will rise while cost will reduce. 产品的成本率会上升,而生产成本则会降低。
- In the Cost rate table list, click the cost rate table that you want to use. 在“成本费率表”列表中,单击想使用的成本费率表。
- You can establish up to five different cost rate tables for each resource. 可最多为每个资源建立五个不同的成本费率表。
- In the Cost rate table list, verify that you are using the correct cost rate table. 在“成本费率表”列表中,验证您使用的成本费率表是否正确。
- Double-click the Cost column to enter different cost rate information for the resource. 双击“成本”列为资源输入不同的成本消耗速率信息。
- Fund trades on company net: Cost rate is low, have the code on the net by the risk of pilfer, have the venture that operates a mistake. 基金公司网上交易:费率低,有网上密码被盗的风险,有操作错误的风险。
- Trade on bank network: Cost rate is high, have the code on the net by the risk of pilfer, have the venture that operates a mistake. 银行网上交易:费率高,有网上密码被盗的风险,有操作错误的风险。
- Duration units and cost rates expressed in months are converted to days. 以月表示的期限单位和成本费率被转化成以天为单位。
- On the Costs tab, update the Per Use Cost column in the tables in the Cost rate tables section to reflect the new per-use assignment costs. 在“成本”选项卡上,更新“成本费率表”部分中表格中的“每次使用成本”列,以反映新的每次使用分配成本。
- Differential cost rate reflects difference of industry risk grade, decide according to inductrial injury number and circumstance of insurance premium defray, data identical or of close return for a sort. 差别费率反映行业风险等级差别,根据工伤人数和保险费支出情况确定,数据相同或相近的归为一个种类。
- With more than 13 years'rich experiences in a/m lines,especially having our own factories and production bases,this well-organized and well-managed company considerably depressed cost rate. 得益于十余年的丰富经验,尤其是在加强管理以及成功并购几家货源工厂后,公司使大幅度降低成本和费用成为可能。
- After you enter cost rates, you can save them as your budget before you start tracking and managing the plan. 输入成本费率之后,可以在开始跟踪和管理计划之前将其作为预算加以保存。
- The approved indirect cost rates applicable to all proposed projects are shown in Indirect Cost Rates chart. 适用于所有研究方案的间接成本率,都显示在了间接成本率图表上。
- When you've entered different rates for a resource in cost rate tables, you can change the resource rates on an assignment by applying a different cost rate table. 当您在成本费率表中为资源输入不同的费率后,可以通过应用不同的成本费率表来更改工作分配中的资源费率。
- There are five cost rate tables (A through E), so you can assign five sets of different rates if a resource charges different rates for different types of work. 共有五种成本费率表(A到E),因此可以针对不同类型的工作,为同一种资源设置五种不同的费率。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。