- cost of commodity circulation 商品流通费用
- costs of commodity circulation [经] 商品流通成本(费用)
- Specialized market is an innovation in the field of commodity circulation in the milieu of Chinese specific system. 专业市场是我国特殊的体制背景下商品流通领域的一项制度创新,是最具中国特色的流通企业。
- The existence of large numBer of commodity circulation channels is one of the important causes of favoraBle development of a commodity economy. 商品流通渠道多,是商品经济良性发展的重要原因之一。
- The application of E-commerce in the area of commodity circulation can quicken its infiltration and pervasion into the economic life. 商品流通领域的电子商务应用具有先导性,必将加快向经济生活的渗透和扩散。
- Thus, there had been three market-centers (Osaka, Edo, Tokyo), and Bakufu controlled over all the organizations of commodity circulation in the whole country in later 17century. 在此基础上,17世纪后半期,日本出现了以三都(大阪、江户、京都)为中心市场、由幕府支配全国商品流通的幕藩制商品流通机构。
- Last week, India's wholesale inflation index rose to 8.33 per cent its highest rate in years, driven partly by the rising cost of commodity imports, including oil. 上周;印度的批发物价指数升至8.;33%25;为几年来的新高;部分是受到包括石油在内的进口大宗商品成本升高的推动。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. 他想要那个吉他,但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决。
- An Analysis of the Concept of Commodity Circulation 物流概念辨析
- The full cost of the holiday fell upon me. 度假的全部费用都甩给我支付。
- process of commodity circulation 商品流通过程
- The policy will put on the cost of living. 这些政策将使生活费上涨。
- the realm of commodity circulation 商品流通领域
- The retailer has to absorb the cost of wastage. 零售商须承受耗损的费用。
- Far from falling, the price of commodity go on rising. 非但没有下降,商品的价格还继续上升。
- The company bears the legal cost of both parties. 公司负担双方当事人的法律费用。
- She slurred over the high cost of her plan. 她避而不提她这一计画费用之巨。
- The cost of living continues to rise. 生活费用继续上涨。
- The Mathematics Theory of Commodity Circulation System 商品流通系统的数学理论