- Cost management of engineering II. 工程造价管理2。
- The article illustrates the principle of quality cost of construction project and its control methods,and discusses the way to strengthen quality cost management of construction project on this basis,in order to increase enterprise benefits. 阐述了工程项目的质量成本原理及控制工程项目质量成本的方法,在此基础上深入探讨了如何加强工程项目质量成本管理,从而达到提高企业效益的目的。
- Abstract: Under the restrain of the Code of Bill Of Quantities and the Code of Accounting, this paper discusses the cost management of construction companies and suggests several outside measures to help construction companies manage cost. 从施工企业成本管理的角度,研究《计价规范》和《会计准则》并行条件下,工程量清单计价对施工企业成本管理提出的新要求,并探讨工程量清单计价下施工企业成本管理应注意的问题和配套的外部环境建设问题。
- Six essentials of material cost management of construction project 施工项目材料成本管理六要点
- Cost Management of Construction Project on BOQ Price Basis 工程量清单计价条件下的施工项目成本管理
- Responsibility cost management of construction enterprises 施工企业责任成本管理
- Discussion on Engineering Cost Management of Construction Units 建设单位工程造价管理小议
- cost management of construct 成本管理
- Research on cost management of modern enterprises II. 现代企业成本管理研究2。
- Simple discuss on responsibility cost management of construction enterprises 浅谈施工企业的责任成本管理
- Job cost method's impacts on cost management of construction enterprise 浅议作业成本法对于建筑施工企业的成本管理的影响
- Discuss on project cost management of construction invested by financial fund 浅谈财政性资金投资建设项目工程造价管理
- Approach to the Red Lamp Cost Management of Linshida Bamboo Industry Co, Ltd. 林事达竹业有限公司实行红灯成本管理的探讨。
- Technical economy and cost management of water and wastewater engineering II. 给水排水工程技术经济与造价管理2。
- Strengthening Cost Management of Engineering Materials to Improve Core Competitiveness of Construction Industry 加强工程材料成本管理提高施工企业核心竞争力
- Consideration on the Cost Management of Construction in Wushaoling Super Long Tunnel(at the Exit Section) 乌鞘岭特长隧道(出口段)施工成本管理的思考
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- Initial exploration of engineering cost management of construction enterprises under new modes 新模式下铁路施工企业工程造价管理初探
- Applying to Cost Management of Construction Project with the Software of Network Schedule and Resource Optimization 网络计划与资源优化软件在施工管理中的应用
- Function of Contract Control in Target Cost Management of Construction Projects of Highway Engineering 合同控制在公路工程施工项目目标成本管理中的作用