- It's just a smokescreen for covering up its expansion of the war. 这只是掩护它扩大战争的烟幕。
- I tried to cover up for him but without success. 我设法替他掩饰,但没成功。
- Kid's extremely conceited arrogance is for covering up oneself's heart of flabbiness. 孩子狂妄自大是为了掩盖自己内心的软弱。
- I tried to cover up for him,but without success. 我想给他掩饰一下,但没有成功。
- You smiled apathetically, for covering up oneself the powder body ground bone of the heart. 你冷漠地笑了,为了掩饰自己内心的粉身碎骨。
- To not be attached to self and to not make excuses for covering up any short comings. 不要执著于自我,不要找藉口掩盖自己的缺点;
- I tried to cover up for him, but without success. 我设法包庇他, 但没有成功。
- How can you cover up your mistake? 你怎么能把自己的错误掩盖起来呢?
- PW: Improved barriers will likely up the cost for manufacturers. 密码:改进的障碍可能会上涨的成本制造商。
- No amount of lies can cover up reality. 谎言再多也掩盖不了事实真相。
- The cost for the trip was halved by us. 我们均摊了那次旅游的费用。
- A sub-contractor and a site supervisor were also found guilty of offering bribes, through a middle-man, to a former inspector of works for covering up substandard piling works. 其中一名地盘分判商及一名地盘总管透过中间人向一名前工程督察提供贿款以隐瞒短桩工程。
- The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages. 旅行的花费不包括食物和饮料。
- When the rain started, we dashed for cover. 开始下雨时,我们奔跑着找避雨的地方。
- We dived for cover when the storm started. 暴风雨来临时,我们急忙寻找躲避的地方。
- Careless driving may cost for your - lift. 粗心大意开车可能会使你丧命的。
- The soldiers made a headlong rush for cover. 士兵们不顾一切冲向掩蔽所。
- There is a memory cost for caching each item. 缓存每个项都有内存开销。
- After all, they prohibit any outside media's investigation into the Tibet Crisis, while they are notorious for covering up events like this, forinstance: Tian An Gate, Falun Gon, SARS. 而军队还没有动,维持治安的是武警,而且最厉害的武器是催泪瓦斯。所以不要以旧观念来判断共产党的举动,毕竟在西藏生活的非藏族人也是人不是嘛?
- To track the product cost for program management. 跟踪产品成本用于项目管理。