- cosmic mean density 宇宙平均密度
- On the other hand, if the mean density of mass-energy is too low, the Universe will keep on expanding forever, resulting in an open Universe. 相反,若质量能量的平均密度太低的话,宇宙会无休止地膨胀下去,成为一个开放的宇宙。
- There are 29 genus 59 species of rotifer. The most of them are generalists and lives in antiplano. The mean density and biomass of protozoa are 50ind/L and 0.060mg/L. 共检出轮虫7科19属35种,以广布性和高原冷水性种类为主,轮虫的平均密度为50ind/L,平均生物量为0.;060mg/L。
- This effect is seen as a deviation from the uniform Hubble expansion of the galaxies and provides a measure of the mean density within the Virgo Supercluster. 这作用被视为背离银河哈勃膨胀的统一而提供对室女座超星系团内平均密度的测量。
- The future of the Universe is mainly determined by the mean density of mass-energy and the space-time curvature, while cosmological constant does not carry any weight among popular cosmological theories. 现在流行的宇宙论都不考虑宇宙常数,宇宙的未来完全由质量能量的平均密度及宇宙的时空曲率来决定。
- mean density of droplets deposited 平均沉降微滴密度
- Physics is governed by cosmic laws. 物理学受宇宙法则的制约。
- The geometrical mean densities for Salmonella,Listeria monocytogenes,Vibrio parahaemolyticus were 265 CFU/g,96 CFU/g and 93 MPN/100 g respectively. 沙门菌、单核细胞增生性李斯特菌和副溶血性弧菌阳性样品中的几何平均菌密度分别为265、96CFU/g和93MPN/100g。
- The Jovian planets are all large and have low mean densities, indicating they are composed of lightweight gases such as hydrogen and helium, as well as frozen compounds such as ammonia and methane. 木星类行星都有体积大密度小的特征,这表明他们成分构成不仅包括冻结复合物,如氨和甲烷,还包括重量轻的气体,如氢和氦。
- Do you mean say we are met for a thunder storm? 你肯定我们会遇到一场雷雨?
- I feel mean for not doing more for my son. 我对没为我儿子多做点事而感到惭愧。
- Defeat in this election would mean he was done for. 这场选举的失败意味着他政治生涯的结束。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- By the charge density we mean the per unit volume. 所谓的电荷密度是指单位体积的电荷。
- I have no conception of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。
- The density of population in this city is very high. 这个城市的人口密度非常高。
- The mean yearly rainfall is20 inches. 每年平均降雨量是二十英寸。
- A whole new cosmic dust hunt will be on! 一个全新的宇宙尘埃搜索即将展开!
- This has all the appearance of a cosmic free lunch. 这就产生了广泛的免费午餐。
- Do you mean Miss Anne Smith or Miss Mary Smith? 你指的是安·史密斯小姐还是玛丽·史密斯小姐?