- The minister said that there was corruption in high places. 部长说某些高层人物中间产生了腐败的现象。
- It is necessary to root out corruption in government. 铲除政府内部地腐败现象很有必要。
- He sparkplugged the investigation of corruption in the town. 他发动了对该城腐败情况的调查。
- Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. 寧愿身有残缺不愿心灵堕落。
- He has no interest in academic questions. 他对纯理论问题毫无兴趣。
- corruption in academics 学术腐败
- We are campaigning against corruption in government. 我们在政府中正开展反贪污运动。
- A rampant epidemic; rampant corruption in city government. 一场流行瘟疫;市政府里腐败成风
- From vanity authorship to anti- corruption in academic fields 从学术腐败治理的角度谈文章的署名
- This error occurs when there is logical corruption in the database. 数据库中存在逻辑损坏时会发生此错误。
- Hangzhou land behind others : corruption in the higher prices down! 杭州国土窝案背后:腐败该为高房价买单!
- His doctor discourse was released in academe too. ,师兄博士期间发表的论文也是在研究院发的。
- We should raise moral standards in academic fields. 加强学术道德建设。
- Corruption in Academic Circles as Shown in Periodicals and Its Rectification 学术腐败现象在学术期刊上的表现及其治理
- "In academic English, college prep," he moans. 他抱怨说:“在学校的英语课上,教师所谈的都是为上大学做准备,为上大学做准备。
- E-mail revolutionized communication in academe. 电子邮件革新了学术界的交流方式。
- The minister said that there was corruption in high places in the government. 部长说政府部门某些高层人物中间产生了腐败现象。
- In recent years, units recidivism has became the New Thread in Academics. 单位累犯是近年来学界探讨的新兴论题。
- His influence is deeplyseated in academic circles. 他在学术界的影响是很深的。
- His influence is deeply seated in academic circles. 他在学术界的影响是很深的。