- To raise corruption cost is the key problem to prevent corruption 提高腐败成本是遏制腐败的关键
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- Their actions reek of corruption. 他们的举动显然有贪污之嫌。
- Corruption and crime go hand in hand. 腐败与犯罪携手并行。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- It's a crusade against corruption. 这是一场反腐败的运动。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- A filthy, disgusting, or morally corrupt place. 藏污纳垢的地方肮脏的、令人恶心或道德败坏的场所
- His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. 他想要那个吉他,但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决。
- Corrupt officials milked the common people dry. 贪官污吏搜刮尽了民脂民膏。
- He put the telephone bill down as a business cost. 他把电话费用作为办公费记下。
- The newspapers blasted the political corruption. 报纸对政治腐败加以强烈谴责。
- My new car cost me a cool thousand pounds. 我的新车整整花了我1000镑。
- The corrupt official was removed from office. 这个贪官被罢了职。
- The city is riddled with corruption. 该城腐败成风。
- How much did it cost you to study abroad? 你出国深造花了多少钱?
- The editorial lashed out at official corruption. 那篇社论猛烈抨击官场的腐败。
- The islanders here speak a corrupt form of French. 这儿的岛民讲一种不标准的法语。
- A good video camera will cost you a pretty penny. 一台好的摄像机要花掉你很多钱。