- The District Attorney will try the corruption case. 地方检查官将审理这个腐败案。
- In this issue, we will look at the marine police suspected syndicated corruption case. 立法会选举舞弊案已于上期十月份刊物登出,今期再刊登水警集团贪污案。
- Will the complainant witness of a corruption case be informed of the outcome of the investigation? 贪污案件的投诉人证人会否获知会调查结果?
- There're too much corruption case in China, I must make the contributes of defecting the corruption in the future. 中国的贪污腐败案太多,将来我一定要为国家的反腐工作做出一点贡献。
- The commission's report notes tartly that “no indictment or verdict has been issued in any high-level corruption case. 欧盟委员会的报告更尖锐地指出“高层腐败案尚未有任何一例进入诉讼程序。”
- Bribery and corruption case, and the remaining 226 Gaiqiang divergence bombs were seized. 受贿和贪污案发时,该枪和剩余的226发散弹被收缴。
- A former Taiwanese first lady has pleaded guilty to money-laundering and forgery but denied embezzlement charges in a high-profile corruption case. 译:前台湾第一夫人为洗钱及伪造文书案答辩,但否认于高层贪腐案中侵吞公款。
- The most serious corruption case in recent history took place in Xiamen, one of the major port cities of Fujian province. 近期最为严重的腐败案件发生在厦门,厦门是福建省主要港口城市之一。
- Three relatives of Taiwan's former president, Chen Shui-bian, have pleaded guilty to charges of money-laundering overseas in a corruption case implicating the former leader. 前台湾总统陈水扁的叁名亲属承认在陈水扁被控贪腐一案中犯有海外洗钱罪。
- Imposing measures to protect witnesses and informers of corruption cases. 制订措施保护贪污案件的证人和举报者。
- Three relatives of Taiwan's former president, Chen Shui-bian, have pleaded guilty to charges of money-laundering overseas in a corruption case implicating the former leader.Mr. 前台湾总统陈水扁的三名亲属承认在陈水扁被控贪腐一案中犯有海外洗钱罪。
- Huang flew to the United States in November after the corruption case became public, and he has not returned despite several summonses from the prosecution. 腐败案曝光后,黄于11月飞抵美国,他还没有回来,尽管已有起诉传票。
- The United states federal beaurau of investigation has arrested 44 people including rabys? and city mayers as part of the massive corruption case at the state of New Jersy. 美国联邦调查署在新泽西州一场规模巨大的腐败案件中逮捕了包括市长在内的44人。
- Fortunately, many corruption cases come to light through the work of investigative journalists in TV and newspapers. 幸好经过电视台和报社的侦缉记者细心发掘,许多贪污案件终于暴光。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- Despite an occasional combative streak, the media hardly ever report corruption cases without official approval. 尽管偶尔出现激愤言论,没有当局的同意媒体几乎不能报道腐败案件。
- In China, it is often the deputies who are punished in corruption cases while the top cadres are exonerated. 在中国,经常是副职官员在贪污受贿案中下马,而高层官员则可以免责。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- Last week, a senior Communist Party official said marital disharmony was a common factor in most corruption cases. 上周,一名共产党高层官员说,婚姻不和谐是大部分腐败案件的一个常见因素。