- corrosion protection value 防腐蚀值
- DRFLORIANF,FEDRIZZIL,BONORAPL.Influence of water uptake on corrosion protection properties of fluoropolymer coatings[J].Br Corros J,1997(32):145. 徐永祥;严川伟;丁杰;等.;紫外光对涂层的老化作用[J]
- With petrolatum prevents the entrance and migration of water and provides corrosion protection. 在缆芯中和缆芯包带表面用石油膏填充和浇注处理,以防止水分侵入,并起防腐作用。
- High-pressure water jets are more and more used in the areas of ship maintenance and repair, and corrosion protection. 高压水喷射技术在船舶检修保养和腐蚀防护方面显得越来越重要。
- It is compatible with most common primers, thus enabling the most suitable corrosion protection system to be specified. 本产品可兼容最普通的底漆,这样可以指定最合适的防腐体系。
- Protection Value Cistanche deserticola is well-known and valuable medicinal herb. 保护价值肉苁蓉为名贵中药,有经济价值。
- Corrosion protection of metals and alloys - Surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vocabulary. 金属和合金防腐蚀.;表面处理、金属和其他无机镀层
- Character:Small volume,brilliant,longlife,dimmable,nickelplated base pins for corrosion protection. 特点:体积小,光效高,寿命长,可调光,镀镍灯脚,抗腐蚀,导电性好。
- At the same dose, the corrosion protection capability becomes better with the dosage quotiety becomes lower. 相同吸收剂量下,吸收率越低,聚苯胺膜的防腐蚀性能越好。
- Anti-rust and tackiness additives provide effective corrosion protection of all internal working surfaces. 粘附性和抗锈蚀添加剂,能有效保护气动工具内部,免受腐蚀。
- With the increase of the power system capability and the complicated system structure, it troubles the cooperation of the protection value and action time. 随着电网容量的持续增长、网络拓扑结构的日趋复杂,给后备保护的定值、时限的配合造成了很大困难。
- Jotun has obtained remarkable achievement and experience on corrosion protection of HPI facilities in last decades. 在过去的几十年中佐敦在石油天然气与石化设施防腐保护上取得了显著的成就和经验。
- The ecological forest protection value calculated by the farmers’ WTA is more than the governmental payment, while less than the ecological benefit value. 相比之下,由农户意愿补偿值计算的生态公益林价值要远高于国家的实际补偿支付,但是又远小于生态公益林所带来的实际生态价值。
- They extend the service life of chains and reduce downtime thanks to superior wear prevention and corrosion protection - even in wet conditions. 即使在潮湿的条件下,其良好的抗磨性能和防腐蚀性能亦能延长链条的使用寿命,降低故障停机时间
- For pipeline corrosion protection, anticorrosive coating of composite structure with3 coats of PE and sacrificial anode protection should be adopted. 管道防腐宜采用三层pe复合结构防腐涂层牺牲阳极保护。
- Be applied for the corrosion protection, conduction and electrostatic transfer of earthed systems and underground pipes. 用于高压输电线杆接地网及石油化工地下管线防腐、导电、防静电用。
- We have employed QSAR techniques to analyze impedance data used to measure the corrosion protection abilities of oil field corrosion inhibitors. 我们将QSAR技术用于分析油田阻蚀剂抗腐蚀能力的阻抗数据。
- This paper discusses the mechanism of DC metro train failure, holds that some improvement measures, such as interference prevention, the change of the designed protection value, an increase in the number of inverter and DC/ DC booster, shall be taken. 对该故障,可通过防止干扰引起的误触发、变保护动作设定值、设逆变器起动专用dc/C升压变换器等措施予以解决。
- In addition to the corrosion protection regulations to be applied, the regulations of the coating manufacturer shall also be considered. 除应用有关设备腐蚀防护的规章之外,有关设备覆盖层的生产厂商的规章也应考虑到。
- Because each of these corrosion protection systems has technical merits and costs, the best way to select the optimum strategy is to perform a life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA). 每一种防护系列,其技术与成本都需要优良,最好的优选途径是进行“全寿命经济分析”(LCCA).;。