- Is there any corroborative evidence for this theory? 是否有确定的论据来支持这个理论?
- It is also very important to have corroborative evidence from their family. 当然,家属对于病人认知能力下降的察觉也是诊断此症状的关键。
- They convicted the wrong man on the basis of a signed confession with no corroborative evidence. 凭一张有签名的认罪书而没有确凿的佐证,他们就错误地判了那人有罪。
- The MCB fully supports the UCU’s stand that there is no corroborative evidence of British universities being used as ‘hotbeds of Islamic extremism. MCB完全支持UCU的立场:没有确定的证据能说明英国的大学已经成为[伊斯兰极端主义的温床]。
- All patients had either a recent hospitalization for HF or corroborative evidence of HF, such as pulmonary congestion or left-ventricular hypertrophy. 所有患者或有近期因心衰入院史或者有确定心衰证据,例如肺淤血或左室肥大。
- The emergence of corroborative evidence provides a sound basis to understand and even formulate and apply a varnish that may approach an authentic one. 出现了佐证证据提供了良好的基础,以理解,甚至制定和适用的研磨剂可能的做法是真实1 。
- Through analyzing the work deeply, this paper elaborates that his conclusion can't hold in the absence of corroborative evidence. 本文通过对相关论据和作品文本的分析,认为在没有其他资料佐证的情况下,这一论断难以成立。
- Investigational session settings can be stored for archival purposes and later use in the event a reopened case requires additional analysis and corroborative evidence. 侦查会议设置可以储存档案的宗旨和以后使用在事件重开案件需要额外的分析和确凿的证据。
- To furnish corroborating evidence for. 证明:提供确凿的证据。
- Skeptics note, however, a number of problems with the case (and a lack of corroborative evidence), which offers significant doubt as to the reality of the more sensationalistic Dropa claims. 然而,怀疑论者却说,这些个案存在问题(缺乏确实的证据),提出了重要疑惑,例如,超感观论比杜立巴的说法更有真实性。
- Corroborative Evidence in Civil Legislation 民事诉讼中补强证据问题探讨
- the corroborative evidence miles of confession 自白补强证据规则
- Most cases involved corroborating evidence or an admission of guilt. 大多数案例都有确凿的证据或是已被判刑。
- Ex: The semen is the corroborating evidence to show his betrayal against him. 精液是他背叛他的确凿证据。
- Neither can one really conclude much from a neat desk, unless there is further corroborating evidence. 实际上,我们也无法从一张整洁的办公桌中得出什么结论,除非还有其它证据进一步证实。
- A piece of corroborating evidence has been the detection of hydrogen molecules in IVCs. 在IVC里侦测到的氢分子,是一件强化的证据。
- To correct for the distortions of memory, mental models and framing, competent researchers look for corroborating evidence. 为了矫正扭曲的记忆、心智模式和参考架构,能干的研究员寻找有力佐证。
- The judge disallowed that evidence. 法官驳回那项证据。
- Upcoming satellites, such as the European Space Agency's Planck observatory that is scheduled for launch next year, will look for corroborating evidence. 不久之后的卫星任务,例如欧洲太空总署预计在明年发射的普朗克卫星,将会寻找关于暴胀的确切证据。
- You may be called to give evidence at the trial. 法庭可能传你去作证。