- correspondence in Huangzhou 黄州尺牍
- To correspond in gender, number, case, or person. 呼应,一致在性、数、格或人称方面彼此呼应,一致
- To correspond in form or character; be similar. 一致在形式或特征上相符;相似
- Correspondence in gender, number, case, or person between words. 呼应,一致词之间性、数、格和人称的一致,呼应
- Corresponding in order to the number one. 第一位的按顺序排在第一位的
- Repeating;with some degree of correspondence in successive trials or observations;( "a pattern of message traffic"; "a pattern of hardware failures" ). 在连续的试验或观测中,有重复性且有某种程度相似性的信息。例如报文流量模式、硬件故障模式。
- The relation of correspondence in degree or size or amount. 一定尺寸数量的相当比率。
- The hindquarters must correspond in angulation to the forequarters. 腿不能出现划桨姿势、起伏或交迭。
- The New York Times has correspondents in many countries. 《纽约时报》在许多国家有它的通讯记者。
- Schenker is a BusinessWeek correspondent in Paris. 申克是商业周刊驻巴黎记者。
- Our correspondent in Tehran Lyse Doucet. 我们的记者从德黑兰发回报道。
- Using FINAL, the structure analysis of the Guangzhou subway Line 4# tunnel in Huangzhou section was carried out. The process of excavation with the New Austrian Tunneling Method was exactly simulated. 运用上述锚杆和喷层单元模拟广州地铁4号线黄洲段地下隧道的支护措施,并使用非线性有限元方法,对该隧道的开挖施工过程、支护措施进行了仿真计算。
- Our newspaper has an old-timey correspondent in New York. 本报在纽约驻有一位资深通讯记者。
- Grammar Correspondence in gender, number, case, or person between words. 呼应,一致:词之间性、数、格和人称的一致,呼应
- The New York Times has correspondents in France, Germany, etc. 《纽约时报》在法国、德国等国家都有特派记者。
- And its criterion is correspondence in meaning and similarity in function. 符号学的翻译标准是意义相符,功能相似。
- To the objects correspond in the picture the elememts of the picture. 对象对应于图画中的元素。
- Corresponding in character or kind; appropriate or harmonious. 适合的在特点或种类上符合的;合适的或和谐的
- Quentin Sommerville is our correspondent in Shanghai. 昆汀萨莫维尔在上海报道。
- Creation Climax of Dongpo Ci is in Huangzhou 东坡词的创作高峰在黄州