- With this method, the fractal scaleless band of time-series can be identified and the correlative dimension of time series can be calculated according to the parameters given. 该方法可按给定的置信度和相关性指标,逐步递归、识别并计算出一维时间序列的无标度区及关联维数。
- Considering accuracy of correlation dimension is affected by embedded dimension and time delay,combined algorithm is used to dete. 考虑到相空间重构中嵌入维数和时间延迟对关联维数精度的影响,采用联合算法确定2个参数。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- The case study shows that it is of high accuracy to use the de-noised signal correlation dimension to judge the running state of the diesel. 实验分析表明,利用降噪后的信号关联维数判断柴油机运行状态具有准确性高的特点。
- Form and correlative dimension for flange sealing face 法兰密封面形式及相关尺寸
- The parameters derived from the non liner test were index of Poincare graphics (PLO),complexity(COM),prediction(PRE),index of Lyapounov(LI), and correlation dimension (CD). 非线性检测包括构成散点图、计算散点图量化指标(PLO)以及复杂度(COM)、预测度(PRE)、李雅普诺夫指数(LI)、相关维(CD)等参数。
- The transition between the homogeneous bubbly flow regime and the churn-turbulent flow regime was characterized using the correlation dimension quantitatively. 通过相关维数,定量描述了泡相和乳化相间流型的过渡。
- The fractal features of accident time series were studied by using G-P(Grassberger-Procaccia)arithmetic and correlation dimension of accident time series was calculated out. 研究结果表明:当嵌入维数达到8以后;该事故动力学系统具有稳定的关联维数4.;7;说明至少有5个因子在影响着事故时间序列的动态变化;并且该系统的有效自由度为8。
- Based on the reconstruction of the chaotic dynamic space,the correlation dimension method and Lyapunov exponent method are applied to identify the chaos of monthly runoff series. 通过江桥站和丰满水库实际月径流序列的预测结果表明,月径流序列中存在着一定的混沌特征。
- The fractal dimension of distribution pattern of Larix chinensis is studied by using box-counting dimension, information dimension and correlation dimension. 应用分形理论的计盒维数、信息维数和关联维数研究了太白红杉的种群格局特征。
- Keywords nature field;fractal;chaotic attractor;correlative dimension; 大地电磁场;分形;吸引子;关联维;
- Perf. Dat -- an "artifical" set cooked up to give a clear example of a case where the information and correlation dimension estimates differ significantly from the capacity dimension estimate. 一个“虚拟”的集合调制出一个清晰的例子,在某种情况下其信息和关联维数的估算值在相当大程度上与容量维数的估算值不同。
- Correlation dimension is an important parameter to measure a nonlinear time sequence quantitatively,and it is widely used to analyze harmonic component of power system and biomedical signal. 相关维数是定量描述非线性时间序列的一个重要参数,在电力系统谐波分析与生物医学信号特征描述等方面得到了广泛地应用。
- Correlation dimension D_2 can be used to identify different suspension types such as those of the off-road jeep and the car. The D_2 of the off-road jeep is larger than the one of the car. 对于不同车型;可采用关联维D2区分吉普车型或轿车型的悬架;吉普车型的D2值高于轿车型.
- By calculating the Euclidian dis-tances of the phase point in phase space, both the phase density and the phase variance are defined and compared with correlation dimension which reflects the chaotic features of nonlinear dynamics system. 通过计算相空间状态点间的欧氏距离,定义相对嵌入维数的态密度和态方差,并与反映非线性动力学系统混沌特征的关联维数作比较。
- In this paper surrogate-data method of phase-randomized based on correlation dimension is proposed to identify the nonlinearity and chaos of data obtained by ship inertial navigation system. 利用基于关联维数的相位随机化的替代数据法,给出了对船舶运动惯导实测时间序列进行非线性判定和混沌判定的方法。
- Methods Nonlinear dynamical behavior of both parabolic equation and elliptic equation were investigated by several tools such as Poincare section, Lyapunov exponent, and correlation dimension. 方法利用庞加莱截面、李雅普诺夫指数、关联维等工具分别对抛物方程和椭圆方程的非线性动力学行为进行描述。
- Oil, gas and water in a reservoir have different impedances, which may cause different reflection coefficients and waveforms.As a result, the value of correlation dimension is generally low. 摘要储集层中的油、气、水有不同的波阻抗,产生不同的反射系教,就会有不同的波形,所以通常情况下关联维会变小。
- At first, the vibration signals of gas valve for reciprocating compressor are decomposed into several intrinsic mode functions by EMD, and then correlation dimension for every IMF is extracted. 首先利用EMD方法分解压缩机气阀振动信号,得到若干个固有模态函数分量,然后计算固有模态函数分量的关联维数。