- corporate income taxation 公司所得税制
- Declaration of Corporate Income Tax. 公司所得税的申报。
- Progressive income taxation will tend to lower the amount of risk-taking. 累进所得税将趋于降低风险。
- The new Law on Corporate Income Tax will be comprehensively enforced. 全面实施新的企业所得税法。
- They should also be charged against corporate income when they are cashed in. 股票兑现后,金额应该从公司收入中扣除。
- EU income taxation law is composed of EC Treaty,secondary legislations of EU institutions and case law of ECJ. 欧盟所得税是协调成员国所得税法的欧共体基础条约、二级立法以及欧洲法院判例的总称。
- The EU income taxation law is composed of the EC Treaty, secondary legiSlation of the EU institutions and case law of the ECJ. 欧盟所得税法指协调成员国所得税法的欧共体基础条约、二级立法以及欧洲法院判例的总称。
- The heavy reliance on income taxation is compounded by the narrowness of the tax base, thanks to oodles of complexity-inducing deductions. 原译:美国大量依赖于所得税,更糟糕的是,大量减税措施使税收系统越来越复杂,税基越来越小。
- However, this article reexamines the relationship between the optimal supply of public goods and the distortionary cost of income taxation. 本文重新考察了税收的扭曲效应和公共支出最优规模之间的关系。
- To boost investment, the government is mulling a cut in corporate income tax and other tax changes. 为了促进投资,政府正在考虑削减企业所得税,以及改变其它税收。
- Through analyzing the impacts of personal income tax on pre and post Gini coefficient, the income distribution effects of personal income taxation policy are investigated. 摘要通过分析征税行为对征税前后的基尼系数的影响,讨论了个人所得税的收入分配效应。
- It is sure in the negative income taxation that raising the rate of income taxation encourages honest taxpayer, and is not clear and indefinite under other circumstances. 所得税税率对申报收入的影响在“负所得税“制度情形下,才会有利于鼓励诚实纳税,在其他情形下是不确定的;罚款率和查获概率的提高有助于减少逃税。
- The tax law will place foreign and domestic business on a "level playing field" by unifying the corporate income tax at 25 percent. 所得税法将会统一把企业所得税定为25%25,由此将外资企业和内资企业置于同一个水平的战场。
- "The government can afford the decline in tax revenue triggered by the new corporate income tax law," Jin said. 金部长说:“政府能够负担得起由新的公司所得税法触发而下降的国家税收岁入。
- The three main sources of general revenue are personal income, sales and corporate income taxes. 总体税收的三个主要来源是个人收入、销售和公司收入。
- It is impossible to break down corporate income into interest on capital, rent on real estate, and profits of the enterprise. 无法把公司收入按资本和利息,不动产和租金和企业利润区分开来。
- And revenue from the auction of a portion of these permits could be used to reduce the corporate income tax, blunting adverse economic consequences. 部分许可证的拍卖收入,可以用来减少企业所得税,降低经济的负面后果。
- Modigliani,Franco,and Merton Miller, 1963,“Corporate Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital: A Correction”,American Economic Review,53:433-443. 陆正飞;辛宇.;1998
- Mr Rangel's timidity is all the more disappointing because he does propose just such a base-broadening reform to America's corporate income tax. 更加令人失望的是兰格的畏首畏尾,他只在美国企业所得税层面提出了这种扩大税基的的改革方案。
- Job Discription:1.Handle the declaration for the VAT, business tax, corporate income tax related tasks, and othe...... ... 公司名称:某大型制造型公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-31