- Different "path dependence" has relied on forming different corporate governance model. 不同的路径依赖形成了不同的公司治理模式。
- Since the corporate governance model roots from the heterogeneity of various institutional environment, it presents the nature of non-universality. 由于公司治理模式的主要根源在于各国制度环境的异质性,因此公司治理模式具有非普适性。
- Then it draws a conclusion that capital structure is the endogenesis factor to select corporation governance models. 并通过对公司治理模式的再梳理,指出企业资本结构是影响公司治理模式选择的内生因素;
- The Deficiencies of American Corporate Governance Model--A Lesson of US Listed Companies'Accounting Cheat 由上市公司假帐丑闻看美国公司治理模式的缺陷
- Based on the normal corporation governance models, the paper analyzes the theory premises, society background and characters of different corporation governance models in a historic view. 摘要本文从公司治理的基本模式出发,分析不同公司治理模式的理论前提、社会背景和基本特徵;
- corporate governance model 公司治理模式
- Perfecting the corporate governance structure. (三)完善法人治理结构。
- The Corporation Governance Model of "Persons of Correlative Benefit" 论"利益相关者"公司治理模式
- Can the Patterns of Corporate Governance Converge Globally? 公司治理模式会趋同吗?
- Independent director system and corporate governance II. 独立董事制度与公司治理2。
- What Corporate Governance Structure Governs? 企业法人治理结构是管什么的?
- Common Principles of Corporate Governance in Europe? 欧洲公司治理的共同准则?
- Students of corporate governance view them less benignly. 企业治理学的学生可能对此并不那么青睐。
- Corporate governance principles and the board's fiduciary duties. 企业管治功能及受信职责。
- It gave you an overview of the key elements of our SOA governance model. 并对我们SOA治理模型的一些关键要素进行了概述。
- Corporate governance is the core of modern enterprises system. 公司治理是现代企业制度的核心内容。
- Capital structure is the base of corporate governance. 资本结构是公司治理的基础和依据。
- Corporate governance is the basis of the modern enterprise system. 公司治理结构是现代企业制度的基础。
- Study on the Economic Corporation Governance Model of State - owned Commercial Bank Chen 构建国有商业银行经济型公司治理模式的研究
- Corporate governance was often weak, with cronyism in abundance. 公司治理乏善可陈,裙带主义泛滥成灾。