- Front of research in corporate financial distress II. 企业财务预警研究前沿2。
- How to apply a suitable approach to forecast corporate financial distress has long been an important issue in the filed of corporate finance. 如何采用适当的方法对公司财务困境进行正确的预测,一直是学术界关注的热点问题之一。
- corporate financial distress 公司财务困境
- Deflation and financial distress stifled growth. 通货紧缩和金融困境遏制了增长。
- Implement Corporate Financial Policy and SOP. 执行公司财务管理制度及工作流程。
- In addition, corporate governance positively moderates the sensitivity of financial distress to debt ratio. 而财务危机对负债比率的敏感度会受到公司治理中介变数的影响。
- Corporate restructuring often arises from the financial distress and the forfeit of debt-paying ability. 企业重整的发生起因于公司发生财务困难,公司丧失了偿还债务能力,使公司濒临宣告破产的窘境。
- Furthermore, the corporate governance moderates the sensitivity of the operating-failure financial distress to profitability. 再者,公司治理机制,会增强财务危机对财务状况的敏感程度。
- Financial paper financial distress Commercial paper issued by financial institutions. 财政困难,资金困难金融票据金融机构发行的商业票据。
- This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed. 这是一家因鲁莽和贪婪而让自己处于财务困境中的公司。
- We present a model linking corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP). 本文提出了一个结合了公司社会绩效表现(CSP)和公司财务绩效表现(CFP)的模型。
- "This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed," he said. "这是一家因鲁莽和贪婪而让自己身陷财务困境的公司," 奥巴马说。
- Brennan,M.,'Taxes,Market Valuation and Corporate Financial Policy '[J].National Tax Journal,vol.23,1970. 以纳税年度全年按月计算平均贷款余额作为计算基础;以西班牙和日本为代表.
- Combining cash flow factor into the model could distinguish normal companies and financial distress companies. 在模型中加入现金流量因素,确实在各年度能够发挥区别正常公司与违约公司的功能。
- This course introduces the theory of corporate finance and the application of this theory to realistic problems in corporate financial management. 公司财务包括投资决策、筹资决策、股利决策和营运资本决策等内容,是关于资产配置、融资和资产管理决策的一门学科。
- Bar-or and Yaral Dan, 2000:An Innestigation of Expeeted Financial Distress Costs, Van Pelt library, Number: HG 001. B264. 吕长江;韩慧博.;财务困境间接成本、资本结构与公司业绩(C)
- Singhvi, S, and Desai, H. B. An empirical analysis of the quality of corporate financial disclosure. The Accounting Review, 1971, 129-138. 崔雪刚,朱文明,《上市公司信息披露水平、公司特征与信息监管》,《第二届实证会计国际研讨会论文集》[A],2003年。
- By the use of factor analysis method together with the logit method, in order to make research into the financial distress pre-warning of two years. 然后运用因子分析方法和逻辑斯谛回归进行了不同行业提前两年的财务困境预测研究。
- China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) plans to cover in its supervision the specific status of corporate financial system design and implementation. 中国财政部拟将企业财务制度设计和执行的具体情况正式纳入财政部的监督范围。
- The PCMS differs significantly from the financial code or chart of accounts in the traditional corporate Financial Information System (FIS). 无论企业想调整或改造“传统的方法”,或是尝试使用“信息化工具”来提高项目费用控制的能力,最终都会碰到不同程度来自人的问题,包括抵触、消极态度、恐惧改变、找理由批评、找籍口不变等。