- coronary suction device 冠状动脉血吸引装置
- To remove(liquids or gases) by means of a suction device. 用抽吸装置抽吸(液体或气体)
- The process of removing fluids or gases from the body with a suction device. 用抽吸装置从体内抽出液体或气体
- Possible to add up a heater or hole suction device in the jig dependent on a job type. 可以在增加加热装置或在夹具增加孔吸气装置具体根据工作工艺的需求。
- Auto feeder with suction device, for smooth feeding of bend sheet, less damage during operation. 自动送纸附设吸风辅助系统,使弯曲不平纸板顺利送作操作,减少损失。
- Possible to add up a heater or hole suction device in the jig dependent on a job type . 可以在增加加热装置或在夹具增加孔吸气装置具体根据工作工艺的需求。
- During a surgical termination, inserting the suction device may risk puncturing a hole in the uterus. 在人工流产中,插入的抽吸设备有可能会导致子宫壁穿孔。
- Suction devices are inadequate in gravels or very porous soils. 吸水装置对砂砾或非常疏松的土壤是不适用的。
- Somsak, who used tweezers and a small suction device to remove the maggots, said Anan would be kept in for observation for a while to make sure no more eggs hatched. 使用镊子与小型吸吮工具取出这些蛆的桑姆沙克说,阿纳还得留院观察一段时间,以确保(他的耳朵里)没有苍蝇卵又孵化出来。
- I have seen people gasp for air as a suctioning device cleaned their tracheas. 当吸痰器伸入一些病人的气管里去清除淤痰时,我看见他们痛苦地张大嘴去呼吸空气。
- Any of various machines equipped with scooping or suction devices and used to deepen harbors and waterways and in underwater mining. 挖掘机装有铲斗或吸泥设备,用于挖深港口与水道及水下开采的各种机器
- Operation analysis of vacuum suction device 真空抽吸装置的运行分析
- a back stationary fiat system with suction device 后固定盖板系统
- Some pumps and all vacuum cleaners work by suction. 有些泵和所有真空吸尘器都是借吸力工作的。
- to remove(liquids or gases) by means of a suction device 用抽吸装置抽吸(液体或气体)
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- Flies' feet stick to surfaces by suction. 苍蝇的脚借吸力可附着于物体表面上。
- If took ten men to wrestle the device into place. 用了10个人才把那台装置挪动到位。
- Renovation of Cutter Suction Dredger by Adding Mud Suction Device 绞吸挖泥船加装冲水吸泥装置改造
- A device used to modulate an electromagnetic wave. 调制器用以调制电磁波的装置