- coriaria laetone 马桑内酯
- Studies of the components of Coriaria sinica MaximCoriaria sinica Maxim is a bush of Coriaria L. 本论文包括两部分,第一部分是马桑化学成分的研究,第二部分是熊果酸糖苷的合成。
- The coriaria lacton was injected into lateral ventricles of the epilepsy group rats to make the epilepsy animal model. 癫痫组用马桑内酯注入到大鼠侧脑室,制作癫痫动物模型;
- A small tree (Caesalpinia coriaria) of the West Indies and South America, having compound leaves and long pods. 鞣料云实,刺云实:生于西印度群岛和南美洲的一种小树(卷果云实云实属),有复叶和长荚
- OBJECTIVE To investigate the influence of the extracts of Szechwan Lovge Rhizome (Se)on the concentration of intracellular free calcium of neurons exposed to coriaria lactone. 目的 研究川芎醇提取物对马桑内酯致痫神经元胞浆内游离Ca2 + 浓度 ([Ca2 + ]i)的作用 ,寻找创新中药的理论基础。
- OBJECTIVE:To study on the relationship between the toxicity of parasitic plant Cuscuta japonica and the constituents of its parasitifer Coriaria sinica. 目的:研究大菟丝子所致中毒与其寄主马桑成分的关系。
- CONCLUSION:The reason that caused the patients toxic is that the seeds of Cuscuta japonica contains the same toxic components as its parasitifer Coriaria sinica. 结论:大菟丝子引起中毒是因为含有与寄主马桑相同的毒性成分所致。
- The coriaria lacton was injected into the lateral ventricles of the rats in the epilepsy and treatment groups, and the epilepsy animal model was established. 癫痫组、治疗组用马桑内酯注入到大鼠侧脑室,制作癫痫动物模型;
- Coriaria L. [医] 马桑属
- RESULTS: The preliminary confirmation is that the seeds of Cuscuta japonica which were parasitizing on the Coriaria sinica and the seeds of Coriaria sinica contain the same toxic components. 结果:初步证实了寄生在马桑上的大菟丝子含有与马桑子相同的毒性成分。
- Acyl-homoserine laetone hydrolase 乙酰高丝氨酸内酯水解酶
- Leuco butyl crystal violet laetone 丁基取代无色结晶紫内酯(LBCVL)
- Keywords Epilepsy;Coriaria lactone;Synapse;Topimmate;Rats; 癫痫;马桑内酯;突触;妥泰;大鼠;
- Investigation on A Food Poisoning Case Caused by Coriaria Sinica Syncarp 一起误食马桑果中毒事件的调查报告
- Keywords Levetiracetam Coriaria lactone Hippocampal neurons Sodium currents; 左乙拉西坦;马桑内酯;海马神经元;钠电流;
- Preparatory Study of the Function and the Way of the Suppression Medicament Working of Coriaria sinica Maxim's Extract 马桑提取物的抑菌作用和抑菌机理的初步研究
- Changes of GAD Neurons of Hippocampus in Epileptic Model Induced by Coriaria Lactone 马桑内酯致慢性癫痫鼠海马谷氨酸脱羧酶阳性神经元的变化
- Coriaria lactone to influence transient outward potassium current and its effect in epilepsy-induction mechanism 马桑内酯对瞬时外向钾电流的影响及在致痫机制中的作用
- Terpene laetone 内酯