- This paper defines some local minutiae structures around core region, and according to the matching results of these structures, the fiducial point is extracted accurately. 在图像中心区域为若干细节点分别构造局部结构,根据这些结构的匹配结果实现了基准点的精确定位。
- The Optimization of Ideal Spatial Location and the Transferring Effects of Institutional Innovation of Core Region. 理想的空间布局优化与极核区域制度创新传递效应。
- North Tibet alpine prairie is the core region to the development of Tibet stockbreeding. 摘要藏北高寒草原是西藏畜牧业发展的核心区域。
- As the temperature increases further, melting gradually propagates from surface to core region. 随着温度的进一步升高,熔化逐渐由颗粒表面向内部区域传播。
- Has the city from the Warring States time to start, the peaceful street is the Changsha old city core region, has more than 2000 years history. 自战国时期有城池开始,太平街就是长沙古城的核心地带,有着2000多年的历史。
- The theoretical formulas of caculation for ultimate shear strength of core region arc sct up according to the plastic thcories. 采用塑性理论推导了核心区极限承载力的理论公式,结合试验结果,建立了节点铁心区抗剪强度的实用计算公式。
- The guidance properties of the holey fiber are determined by the solid-silica core region and the size and pattern of air holes. 通过改变多孔光纤中的芯区面积、空气孔的直径和分布,可以灵活地设计其导波特性。
- With little difference in mode field distribution compared to the pure silica situation, the nonlinearity of PCF is greatly enhanced by doping Ge in the core region. 结果表明,在几乎不影响模场分布和色散的情况下,光纤非线性系数得到了大幅提高。
- Reportedly, As in Guangzhou Xinguang rapid new cities along the north road axis landscape with the core region, and therefore must Liede Bridge "beautiful. 据了解,由于新光快速路北沿线位于广州新城市中轴线景观带的核心区域内,因此猎德大桥必须“漂亮”。
- Fluid temperatureon the bottom part of the channel is higher than in the core region of thechannel when the lower plate is adiabatic due to the effect of viscousdissipation. 在实际可实现的参数条件下,粘性耗散对多孔介质中对流换热的影响不大;
- The regional structures control copper-polymetallic mineralization in zone, block, knot, spot and margin. 铜多金属成矿受“带、块、结、点、缘”区域性构造控制。
- The American revolution of 18 century end is exclusive to the forestall of mercantilism make, the core region of black slave trade, colonial economy produced more apparent effect. 18世纪末的美国革命对重商主义的垄断独占制、黑奴贸易、殖民经济的核心地带产生了较明显的影响。
- Short months this year, residents work come from behind, with the Blue Salih strength became the first CBD core region as a whole taken together new projects. 今年以来的短短几个月里,拆迁工作后来居上,蓝堡凭借实力成了CBD核心区域里第一个做完整体拆迁的新项目。
- The irrational regional structure will be readjusted. 改善地区结构不合理的现状。
- Mr Fukuda saw, in other words, that a China in search of legitimacy wants to be tied into regional structures and institutions, even if that crimps its room for manoeuvre. 换言之,福田已经看到,中国正在寻求认同,它渴望参与到区域组织机构当中去,即使这样做会让它少了很多回旋的余地。
- Hilar and mediastinal adenopathy can compromise regional structures such as the superior vena cava or trachea and potentially cause a life-threatening complication. 肺门和纵隔淋巴结可压迫区域组织像上腔静脉、支气管并可产生危及生命的并发症的可能性。
- The process of the oil migration is controlled by regional structures and the direction of the oil migration is consistent with the strike of major faults of Silurian. 油气运移过程受区域构造控制,运移方向与志留系主要断裂走向一致。
- The phenomena of initial disturbance vorticity translating into spiral bands is most evidently for it locating at the periphery of Radius of Maximum Wind(RMW), near RMW next and the spiral bands vanish when it is positioned in the inner core region. 初始圆形扰动涡度场转化为螺旋臂涡量带的现象是初始扰动位于涡旋最大风速半径(RMW)外围最显著,其次是RMW附近,当扰动位于涡旋内核区时几乎没有螺旋臂结构形态出现,表明,初始扰动离TC中心越远,其强迫涡旋Rossby波形成的螺旋带结构越明显,反之越弱。
- It had a regional structure and decentralized decision-making power. 该系统有区域性组织并将决策权分解下放到地区。
- And the renowned Lido Holiday Inn hotel, Harbour Plaza Hotel, Yanxiang Hotel with leisure in one square kilometre core region, the international community took Lido most superior life position. 与知名的丽都假日饭店、海逸酒店、燕翔饭店同处于一平方公里的休闲核心区域,占据了丽都国际社区最优越的生活位置。